Shruti Deokar



Shruti Deokar


Akash And Manav

Akash And Manav

3 mins

Once upon a time, there were Akash and Manav. Akash belonged to a rich family whereas Manav belonged to the poor family. They both were studying in the same college named globe oak college. Manav was intelligent and as he was poor, he could understand his family and did not wished for anything else. But Akash was a rich and average child. He daily used to bring money to the college and spend it on watching a movie , eating pizzas, etc with his friends and he was only one person from his friend's group who used to bring money and other students never brings money. Manav always attended the lectures of his college but Akash didn't attend lectures every day. Akash thought that he has a lot of money with which he can do anything and with this thinking, he daily spent lot of money. It was his father who observed that was his child was doing.

Once his father gave him one task to earn his own money for one week. He was thinking about the task and though it is so easy I can earn money anyhow and he said OK to his father. From the next day task started first he collected money from all the friends and he was hardly able to get 1000rupees but still, he was happy about the money. On the second day, he was searching for a way to earn money, and as he could not ask his friends always for money. He was thinking a lot but could not find the way. Then he thought about his pens, he was having a collection of pens so he started selling it in his college but could hardly collect 40 to 50 rupees and finally he was failed and gave up. The very next day he told his father that he can't do it, it is very hard. That time his father said that dear, I hope you got the importance of money and just said one thing that spending money is easy but earning money is very hard and also told that money can't make you happy but being happy can make you money and I hoped you enjoyed the task. Then Akash said I was really happy for earning only 40 or 50 rupees and I promise you that I will never spend money on the useless things. And after that, he never spent money on useless things.

From the next day, he worked hard and from the average child, he became intelligent. This made him happier than money... 

Moral: "Never spend your money before earned it !"

 "Money can't make you happy but happiness can make money "

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