Srinivas Cv

Drama Inspirational


Srinivas Cv

Drama Inspirational

An Eye For An Eye

An Eye For An Eye

18 mins

Fighting never resulted in any good. Gandhi said, "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Prasath was telling this to his students who were fighting over chocolates. The kids understand a bit of why Prasath saying this. After all, it was only chocolates and they fought like this every day. Prasath only knows why he was telling this today. They might not get its value today; he was hoping for them to understand what this means sometime in future. He does not want the students to make mistakes in their lives in his absence.

He made one mistake not long ago without realizing it. He promised someone he will give them whatever they want. That day he was of the feeling all was good when done for a good cause. When these thoughts were going on in Prasath's mind his mistake came knocking on his door.

Mallanna's goons are here to take Prasath. He knows what Mallanna wants from Prasath, Prasath's eyes.


The mistake

Prasath came to Chennai in search of a job. A man from a family of limited means the job means a lot. If he had an opportunity, he would like to do research and be a scientist. But he had to stop education, even after topping the university. He attended the interview and got the job. Very soon, he was making money he never imagined. He could have easily bought a car in installments or buy a bike outright. But he continued to travel by bus and local trains. Not because he was trying to save money. Something was stopping him from enjoying the success. He felt something was missing in life. His dreams of doing something big never left him. His soul searching for answers seems to be never-ending.

One fine morning, when he was on the bus on his way to the office, a confused-looking kid came and sat next to him. He was struggling with some applications. Prasath kept to himself for a few minutes like any metro city guy. But a little later, he noticed the struggles of the kid were not ending. He decided to see if he can help. He asked the kid what was going on. The kid was from a small town applying for a job. The job requires him to only finish tenth class, which he did. However, he is not able to understand the application. Prasath helped him fill the application. The kid was having trouble giving the mobile number and the permanent address. In his 19 years of life, the kid never had a permanent address or a mobile. His family never had that luxury. Prasath asked him to use his number and address. The kid thanked and got down from the bus.

A few weeks went by normal for Prasath. That afternoon after finishing lunch, Prasath had an informal conversation with his colleagues. One of the women was angry and speaking very loudly. Prasath wanted to step in to see what was going on. There was a woman who was shouting her lungs out. His point was that she does not want to lose her privacy to fill up some government application form. The conversation was disturbed when Prasath got a phone call. The display showed it was an unknown number. The caller asked for Vignesh. Before Prasath could respond, the caller continued. He told Vignesh got the job, and Vignesh should join before the end of the week. If not, Vignesh will lose the job in a very indifferent tone. Prasath thought it was some fake call and he ignored it. The girl realized it was a wrong call seeing Prasath's expression. She got fodder to her point and continued her tirade. "This was what I was talking about earlier." They left the conversation in the middle and started the walk back to the cubicles. The girl was fiddling with her mobile. Prasath checked her screen to see her entering her mobile number to what looked like a boutique's app.

The next morning Prasath was woken up by a phone call. It was the same number as the previous day. The directions were the same as the day before. He ignored it again and tried to go back to sleep. That is when it struck him. The call could be for the kid he helped a few weeks ago. He started to panic. In all hurry, Prasath forgot to give the number to Vignesh that day. He had to do something right away. He tried to recollect the address of Vignesh. He only remembers the Town name and Village name in the current address. He immediately started to head to the village. He was not sure he was going to meet Vignesh in time.

The Amends

He got to the bus stop and started searching for a bus to reach the village. He comes to know there was no direct bus to that destination. He got directions from the reception, to get down in a nearby town and take another bus. He took the next bus available to the destination. He kept checking his watch as he was worried for time.

The journey to Vignesh's town took all morning. The bus only reached the destination around 6 PM. Getting out of the bus Prasath enquires about the bus to Vignesh's village. He finds out the last bus left for the day, and the next one is only the next day. Prasath's worries started multiplying as he had not planned for an overnight stay when he started. With all options running out he started to walk out of the bus stop to search for a lodge. Out of nowhere, he was stopped by someone. The man asked Prasath if he still wants to go to the village. The man looked very rough and Prasath was not sure how the man knew where Prasath was heading. Prasath skeptically replied No. The man said don't worry. I heard you speaking to the bus driver. I came to town to get some seeds for the farm. If you want, I can take you in a tractor. No need to pay me any money. Prasath doubtfully agreed, he wanted to make sure he reached Vignesh soon.

The tractor ride was new to Prasath and was not comfortable. The path too looked very dark, and there were no lights on the way. He thought he was going to get killed that night. After a few hours of the ordeal, they reached the village.

Prasath started to enquire about Vignesh with the people he could find. There were too many Vignesh in the town, and no one could help Prasath. One of the men asked why exactly he was there. Prasath explained everything from the city bus ride until getting the phone call. The men still had no clue which Vignesh it was. He directed Prasath to an educated man in the village. They told Prasath the man should be able to help him.

Prasath was happy and reached the man's house. The man was sitting out in the open area of his home, writing something. Prasath told him the story and how he was searching for Vignesh. The man said he knows the Vignesh. Prasath finally thought he succeeded and was feeling a little proud. The man came back out, sat down, and continued to write. Prasath was puzzled by the behavior. The man in the middle of writing started to swear Prasath.

"Don't you know how the world works, you idiot? What is the point of you getting an education and all? It seems you have a decent job too. What were you doing there? Screwing up all the work?" kept shouting the man. Prasath was not expecting any praise but getting scolded got him off guard.

"The man continued and said the Vignesh went to start working in a brick kiln a day ago. I don't know if he can make it in time to join the job. Because of your carelessness and delay, Vignesh will work all his life as a labourer."

Prasath started to understand what was going on. He was about to say to convince the man it was not his fault. But the man was in no mood to listen.

But he calmed down a little, and then he asked Prasath to go and fresh up. "Wear this dhoti to sleep, and it seems you have not brought any luggage with you."

Prasath understood that he was to stay there that night. He simply nodded "yes" and went inside to change.

After freshening up, Prasath noticed the man was still writing something. There was no sign of any women. The man also seemed to not bother to start cooking. Prasath was hungry he had very little all along the journey.

With a little hesitation, Prasath asked the man, "Is there some hotel nearby."

"There will be no hotels at this time of night." However, he asked him to wait for the food to come. Prasath was relieved the food arrangement was in place. The man then handed over a set of papers and a pen to Prasath. Prasath looked and noticed they are all different applications. Some for subsidies to farmers, some for scholarships, some for loans, etc. Every form had only a name and a thumbprint. Prasath understood what he had to do and started filling them.

What was done, how it was done, Prasath had no clue. But the next morning, Vignesh reached the house of the gentleman. Prasath gave him the news. With tear-filled eyes, he thanked Prasath and went to pack and start. Prasath, too, said his goodbyes and started to head home. The man said to Prasath not to take his swearing yesterday seriously. He told Prasath he saw many kids losing opportunities for something or other. When he was worried about Vignesh, he took it on Prasath. Prasath reached the bus stop and was waiting for a bus. Out of nowhere, some 20 people came running the bus stop. They started thanking Prasath for coming to help Vignesh. They gave a lot of gifts to Prasath. They included Vegetables, Fruits, Pulses all grown in their farms. Prasath finally found what he was missing.

Life begins

Prasath wanted to put his thoughts into action. He had to find ways to help them somehow. There are enough scientists out there finding nuclear bombs and virus attacks. He needs to do this to make something out of his life. It was clear to Prasath what he had to do, but how was not clear. He cannot stand outside government offices to fill up applications. He needs to educate people to do it themselves. He might not be able to educate everyone. He can, however, train a few people, and they can start helping others. The next hurdle was the place, time. These things are not going to stop him anymore. He quickly searched and found an abandoned police station under a flyover. That had a blackboard that helped his cause, where crime statistics were listed. He arranged a few battery lights, and his plan got into action.

He met Vignesh and told him to bring any of his friends who want a basic education. The education was not learning alphabets or multiplication tables. The training was to guide people in getting benefits from the government, applying a claim for loss, getting subsidies, loans, insurance, etc. On the first day, he had six students. The job of these six is to make sure all from their villages get the information and help. In a few months, the students increased multi folds to anywhere between 30-45 every day.

After a year of this, someone in the locality noticed what Prasath was doing. They asked him, to help a few other students to clear some exams. That will give them a lot of opportunities. He decided to teach some kids every day for a few hours to help them and clear the tenth-class exam. Soon his ways became popular, and the local police started to cooperate and help. He was still able to manage the time enough not to lose his job. He needed that money to help him on his mission. Things were going relatively okay. He understood from his conversations the kids had no real guidance in life. He became a life guide to them as well.

The hurdles

One day Prasath reached the flyover school to start his classes. There were some rowdies of the street drunk and blocking them from using their place. They are using it today for playing cards. It was the election season, and even police would not come in the way. Prasath was angry, but he was not a fighter like heroes in the Indian movies. So, he moved to a different location which was not convenient, but they adjusted. That was the case for many of the days in the election season.

To their bad luck, the gang's leader has won the election. Prasath felt it was not going to affect them. He felt the drunkards were going to have better places to spend their time and leave them alone. But it was not to be. They were welcomed to their usual joint by a locked gate. Prasath, on inquiry, found out it was on the orders of the gang's head, right hand to the newly elected MLA. Police also were of not much help, as they were not looking forward to a bad start with the new MLA.

Prasath initially thought of finding a new place, but it was not easy. He tried to do the next best thing, to wake up the human side of the politician. Everyone laughed at his naive hope. Prasath was determined and headed to the MLA office and waited for hours to talk to the MLA. The crowd around him at the MLA quarters was thinning, but his hope was not. Many of the rowdy sheeters, fraud businessmen, came and left. Prasath was not getting his chance. That was when someone came out from the MLA's office room and asked everyone to leave. Prasath was not ready for this. He walked to the person and tried to convince him to allow him to meet MLA. Walking closer and noticing the person, Prasath was finally ready to give up his hope. The man was none other than the one who locked the gate, Mallanna. Prasath saw the man only once before, but he was not going to forget him ever. Prasath was hesitant to walk forward or to leave. Seeing Prasath, Mallanna waved to him to follow. Prasath was surprised, and his mind started to have many thoughts. What does Mallanna want from him? Was he going to warn Prasath not to visit MLA ever? All negative thoughts were going on his mind.

Mallanna showed a chair to sit down. It was inside the MLA's home office but not exactly MLA's office. It looked like a reception area before meeting the MLA. Before Prasath sat down, Mallanna left the room and went inside the house. Prasath was waiting for Mallanna to come back. Suddenly hope came back like a change expecting voter every five years. What if Mallanna agrees to give him the place, just out of fear that Prasath might complain about him to the MLA. But very soon, he realizes like any voter, "No one cares".

Mallanna walks back into the room where Prasath was sitting. Offers him some lunch, which Prasath says no to. With food in his mouth, Mallanna asks Prasath why he was there. Prasath explained everything to Mallanna and was waiting for Mallanna to say something. Mallanna, who had all his attention on the Chicken Biryani, says, "Give us 50% of what you earn. You can use the place."

"I don't make any money. I am doing free classes," replied Prasath

Listening to this, Mallanna starts to laugh. He calls everyone around there and tells them what Prasath and everyone starts pointing to Prasath and laugh.

After having a heartful of laugh and finishing his biriyani Mallanna said to Prasath, "See, I am not stupid to believe what you have to say. What I learned was, your students are getting good jobs and making big money. I need a percentage".

Prasath, in reply, says, "The students I have all are from a poor background. I am only trying to give them an opportunity. You can enquire everyone. I don't charge any money. The police also know about me."

"I don't care what you do. I need something for allowing you to use the place."

"Tell me what can I give that will help you. I will give you.", replied Prasath.

"Money, I told you."

"I make 50,000 rupees a month. I can give half of it to you."

"That is nothing for me. I need more."

"That is all I have."

"Okay, then. I will enquire what you have. When the day comes, and I ask what you have, and I don't have, you have to give me without any questions."

Prasath immediately agrees to the condition.


Prasath was about to start his class for the evening. He notices a few of the students were missing. He asks the others where they were.

"You know how our parents are. They all went to a political meeting for some quick money. There was a fight that broke out. Many of them are now in hospital."

"How many times do I have to tell you not to go for them?"

"None of our students were present. Their parents got injured. They went to the hospital to support them.", said the students.

Prasath, as a courtesy, goes to the hospital with the students. He was speaking to each of them. One of the women was feeling very sad, and Prasath was consoling her.

She started talking, "My son told me not to go. He said he was going to get a job soon. I did not listen to him."

"It's okay. Don't take these risks.", said Prasath in a consoling voice.

"Things were all going fine. The MLA and his right hand were on our side. Police were protecting too."

Prasath gave a silent nod as if agreeing to her reasoning.

"Out of nowhere, someone threw a stone, and things got out of hand. We had no idea that there was a target on the MLA. The stone hit someone in MLA's group, and he was losing blood from his eyes. That was all, there was a lathi charge, and even we were victims of what happened."

Prasath nodded without giving much attention to the detail. After talking to everyone, Prasath was leaving the hospital. Walking out of the wards, he accidentally enters a private room. He learnt his mistake and was about to leave. That was when he saw Mallanna, with his eyes bandaged. On checking with the nurse, he learned Mallanna lost sight due to an injury to his eye. What the nurse does not know was Mallanna lost Prasath's eyes.


The goons of Mallanna reached the place for Prasath. They asked him to come to the hospital with them. He did not tell the others what he promised. So, when he was leaving with them, no one felt a need to stop Prasath. Things were going to change after that day Prasath recognizes it Mallanna knows it, but no one of Prasath's students or well-wishers.

Prasath entered the room where Mallanna was being prepped for surgery. Mallanna could not see Prasath was here. One of the caretakers informed Mallanna of his arrival. Mallanna then said something to his helper. A second later, everyone was leaving the room. Prasath, not noticing the commotion of people leaving the room, was lost in his thoughts and stayed put. There was absolute silence except for some beeping machines in the room.

Prasath got brought suddenly to his senses when Mallanna started to talk.

"Hello, sir. Do you know why you are here?"

Prasath nodded as if to say yes.

"I can't see you. Can you please come out and speak if you heard me.”?

"Yes. To keep my promise.", replied Prasath.

"Yes. I am going into surgery now. I need you to keep your promise."


"Don't be such a fool. Ask me first, what I want. Then agree to it."

"I know what you want."

"What you know?"

"You want my eyes to get your sight back."

Mallanna started to laugh. After a few seconds, "Yes, I want your eyes."

"What should I do now?" asked Prasath.

"Go to the third room. There will be someone in the room. Tell them you came for me. "

Prasath walked into the room, uncertain of what was in store. As he walked in, he saw the person waiting for him. Seeing Prasath, the person came running and said.

"When my Dad said you are coming, I did not believe it. Thank you for changing my father. He never gives anything free to people. When he said he gave the place without taking money from you, I did not believe it. When you came today, I got confirmation that my Dad too has some good left." It was one of the students of Prasath's.

Prasath had no clue what was going on. He quickly ran back to the room where Mallanna was resting. Hearing the footsteps, Mallanna understood Prasath had come back into the room.

"Sorry, sir, I know I cheated you. I lied to my son."

" I don't understand what is going on. Please tell me," asked Prasath.

"In the last 12 years, I bought my son many toys, many dresses, and many chocolates. Not one day, he looked into my eye or liked me for any of it. But that day, when I let you have the place, my son came home and hugged me and thanked me. I did not understand till my wife told me how you are his hero. I kept him believe the lie. He, however, had doubts all this time. "

Prasath was awestruck. Mallanna continued, "Do me a favour, don't tell my son I asked you to promise something for me in return. Tell him I did this out of my good."

Prasath replied, "You did not ask me anything. I am happy to tell that to your son."

"But I lied all this time. Today only when I got injured, I realized my mistakes. Today if you rejected, I would have not only lost my sight, my face too."

"Why do you do this then. Why can't you send your son to a decent school and make him happy."

"I am not a politician, just a political tool. I have my uses. Once done, I will be left, in the verandah. There was no way people like me can afford a good education for my kid. I have given thoughts to leave this and go to a small town. But the work I do will chase me everywhere I go. Politics is like walking in the jungle. On seeing good fruits, on the tree, you might want to change to a vegetarian. But, the animals around you want to eat you alive. Animals in the jungle leave if they are not hungry. The animals in this jungle keep eating even after full for generations. "

"Can I do something to help?" asked Prasath.

"There is no hope for me in this life. When I said, I want your eyes, I meant it. I want your eyes to look out for my son. If there is any way he is going to get out of the tag, "A rowdy son" it is you. It is possible only with you. Please keep an eye on him."

Prasath learnedC the true value of "An eye for an eye" that day. Many of the students got good jobs. Very soon, they get their own permanent place. But Prasath continues to take a few hours of his classes under the flyover classroom. He believes that was where the change going to happen for each kid at a time.

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