Anshika Mohanty

Children Drama


Anshika Mohanty

Children Drama

An Unbreakable Bond:Friendship

An Unbreakable Bond:Friendship

2 mins

Taylor a jovial, buoyant and optimistic girl lived in a picturesque town close to a splendid and dense forest, which was both appealing and enchanting to her. She was a very friendly and likeable girl, but she had crawled back into her shell and grown very shy and gentle as she was the only child in the town. The result was that she was very quiet and felt afraid of speaking to most people. But there was one thing for sure -- she loved nature intensely. She liked to spend her afternoons lying on the lush green grass that grew in the forest, resting under the shade of the great many trees that loved her company and enjoyed the fresh air blowing at her face.

Once, when she was resting under a tree, she happened to meet a slender snake named Slithery and a dauntless, yet empathetic bird called Twitter. She then realized that she could talk to animals! She started talking to Slithery and Twitter. She learnt that they both were lonely, isolated, alone and friendless-- just like Taylor. So, they decided to become friends forevermore and help each other whenever needed.

One day, while all of them were resting under the shade of a huge and shady banyan tree, chatting away, Taylor heard the painful cry of a baby bear. They followed the sound of the cry and rushed forward in that direction. A baby bear was trapped in a huge net. It was struggling to get out of the net, sobbing to get back to its mother.

Without thinking twice, Taylor and Twitter tried to free the bear from the clutches of the net, while Slithery diverted the guards. With his sharp beak, Twitter cut open the net, releasing the baby bear, who pounced on Taylor, shivering in fright.

By then, Slithery had scared away the guards, and was slithering back to his friends. They decided to find the baby bear's mother and return the baby bear to her. Though with much difficulty, they finally found the baby bear's mother. In return, the Mother Bear gifted them with delicious fruits and honey.

When the three friends returned to the town, they found the guards and handed them over to the police. The whole town praised them for their determination and great sense of camaraderie.

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