Real Queens 👑

Drama Inspirational


Real Queens 👑

Drama Inspirational

Arunima Sinha, The Miracle

Arunima Sinha, The Miracle

2 mins

May 22 , 2023 Arunima Sinha ( born 1988) became the first woman to conquer Mount Everest on a prosthetic leg. It was a moment of pride for the entire nation. True to her name which means the first ray of the sun . She has defined all odds and is a source of inspiration for millions . She qualified the written test for paramilitary forces and recived an interview call but there was some discrepancy in her date of birth which demanded immediate attention and had to be rectified as soon as possible .She had to go to Delhi for this and boarded the train at Lucknow station. She had no reservation , hence , she boarded a general compartment. On the train , there were some miscreants who tried to snatch the gold chain , she had around her neck. She resisted because of which they threw her out of the running train. The time was around 1 am . She found her self laying on the track and her leg was almost severed from her body. She was badly injured. It was the early hours of the day that some villagers spotted her and took her to the near by hospital at Bareilly. During her traumatic days , she encountered many people. Some people who she even don't know , donated her blood . On the other hand , some people criticised her by saying that she was traveling ticketless and jumped out of the train to avoid embarrassment and punishment.

But instead of losing hope, she went against all odds to make impossible, possible. 

While , reading about Everest routes in a newspaper, almost one month after the unfortunate accident she thought of conquering Mount Everest. She went to Madam Bachendri Pal to seek her guidance and training. Madam Bachendri Pal was her mentor and guide. Sometimes , she would have to face the unbearable pain and would sit down. But soon she realised that if you find something very difficult , you must find ways to involve yourself in it. When she reached the top of Mount Everest. She put up both her hands and shouted at the top of voice that I HAVE DONE IT! I AM ON THE TOP OF THE WORLD! She want to shout and tell those people who think that women , disabled and deprived cannot do anything, that everything is possible and everyone can achieve everything. She also wanted to tell those people who do not face failure positively, that failure doesn't mean the end of life.

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