13 Kripali kumari 5c

Children Stories


13 Kripali kumari 5c

Children Stories

Avoid Using Smartphones

Avoid Using Smartphones

1 min

Once Upon a time, there is a family. The family is very happy. But not happy for one thing , that was In the family there are two parents and one their son Prateek . Prateek is always involved in smartphones, laptops, and computers. Their parents always tell him that not to use more smartphones. But his son Prateek can't listen, he is always involved in smartphones and more. One time he is playing games at that time when he playing game , he can't see properly . Prateek loses the game. He tells them to their parents. Their parents were shocked and said You need glasses, because without Glasses You can't see properly . Your eyes were damaged. This happens to your Smartphone. We tell you, we advise you but you can't listen. Prateek now learns how their parents always told him to not see smartphones. Ooh, it's a dream Prateek sees, but in a dream also learns. So, the Moral of the story is - We should avoid using that things that harms out natural things .

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