Narendra Kumar



Narendra Kumar


Away From Him For Three Days

Away From Him For Three Days

2 mins

Soon after landing at the Nagpur airport, I shifted my cell-phone from `airplane’ to `normal’ mode and dialed Raman, my husband’s number, but since the call was not getting through I was naturally worried as it was already past midnight.


Raman is a 65-years-old self-employed professional with a good physique and attractive personality. I tried to contact him again and again, but the cell-phone simply didn’t work.


Noticing my plight, a couple came to my rescue. The lady, Maya, talked to Raman and gave him details of the spot I was waiting at the airport. I thanked Maya and her husband. Within minutes, Raman came and took me home. Raman, too, frantically had tried to contact me, and on repeatedly getting the `busy’ message deduced that there was something wrong with the cell-phone; he then parked the car and was on his way to the arrival lounge.


I had gone to Raipur to see my 90-years-old ailing mother, who was pleased to see me although she was being well taken care of by Hari, my brother, who is a highly-placed official. Everyone insisted that I extend my stay for a few days, but I already had the return journey ticket with me, and otherwise, too, Raman was not in favour of changing the schedule unless it’s an emergency.


Due to the agonizing after effect of menopause, I dreaded to come closer to Raman, but the brief period of three days of separation appeared to have changed my outlook. When Raman pulled me to him in bed that night, I couldn’t resist, and experienced the supreme marital bliss out of his passionate, calculated, expert moves by way of foreplay, caressing, massaging, and the final act!

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