Rangini Makha

Tragedy Fantasy


Rangini Makha

Tragedy Fantasy

Back To Square One

Back To Square One

4 mins

“What do you want me to do now,” Aditya said, breaking the silence. “How do you plan to get rid of them,” he said. “We haven't figured that out yet,” Shibhu said. “Both of them are technologically far more advanced and powerful than me and Shibhu,” Aira said. “Right, we cannot confront them upfront. That would be stupid. They have a trace on me. They are just minutes away from reaching me. If I get rid of the trace, then we would not be able to get them either.” Shibhu said. “ok, let me get this right. You want them to trace you so that you can attack them, but you are not powerful enough to attack and win over them. Is that what you mean to say.” Aditya asked. “Exactly. We just have minutes to think through this.” Aira said anxiously. Shibhu straightened up and said “Okay, let's first lay things down. Aira, can you list out their powers, that we know they have, but we do not have. Then let's look at what advantages we have. We have Ruka, I have beaten them in speed by far, with Ruka. We both are still unidentified, while Rasheek and Nevin are spotted and wanted by people here. They are two of them and we are three of us.” Aira interrupted “We are not three of us. We cannot count on Aditya.” “But...” Shibhu said and Aira interrupted again, saying “Listen. Let's get this right. The moment they see the three of us together, they can get us all in a minute. We know they are capable of that. But if they spot just us and not Aditya, they would have to hold on to us to get information about Aditya. They could hurt us but they would keep us alive. The first thing that we need to do and we need to do this just right now is to separate from Aditya. We have minutes" “None of you is going to separate from me,” Aditya said. “But...Aditya you know, the moment they arrive, they will have us all captive.” Aira said, concerned. “It makes no difference to me, whether I am a captive of your enemies or mine. Once you guys leave, I would only make a fool out of myself by explaining to the cops here about what I have been doing in the last few days.”  

Shibhu looked around, as he grew anxious as time went ticking away, while they remained undecided of their action plan. “We will come back,” he said, fixing his gaze at Aditya. Aditya kept his gaze fixed with Shibhu. Shibhu spoke again “believe me, we will come right back.” Aditya responded with a slow cold voice “If you can come back, they can come back too.” They continued to stare at each other. Aditya spoke again “I see that you don't have a plan to get rid of them, nor the ability. You are simply dodging away from helping me. You are timed to go and you will just disappear when the time comes. I have no reason to believe that you will come back. With the little control you have over time travel, I am unsure if you even can come back.” “Oh, we can!” Aira said and continued “We can come back, accurately here. I told you, in our time we have a launcher that can launch us at an exact timestamp. I know, when you travelled with me, we were lost in time. That's because, we cannot carry the launcher with us, so when we are here, trying to move around time, without the launcher, we have no control over the timestamp of where we go, we tend to get lost. That’s why none of us travelled alone. One of us remains the anchor to pull us back from wherever we are. Shibhu has been my anchor, I told you.” “Fine, you can come back, but why would you,” said Aditya. 

“Yes! Yes! That's it! That's all we need to do” Shibhu muttered excitedly. He explained as Aira and Aditya looked at him surprised “Aditya you are right! If we can come back, they can come back too. Even if we temporarily overpower them, we could just be back in the same situation.” “What’s your point!” Aira said. Shibhu replied “Let's look at the possibilities. Let's say we confront Rasheek and Nevin now and in the best case knock them off and we go back into our time. They are also timed to go back. In whatever state they go, they will let out information, and then they will launch a second mission. Aditya is right.”  

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