Danusri sreepathy

Children Stories


Danusri sreepathy

Children Stories

Bedtime Story With A Rat

Bedtime Story With A Rat

2 mins

Ever encountered a rat?

No eh?

Neither had I, until yesterday

I've always freakin’ hated rats and other small pesky things like rodents and guinea pigs- there all the same though.


I think hating them is ok.

Coz even if you hate them, you know …they don’t really mind.

Like they never start signature campaigns about stuff like ‘rat rights’.


And since I live in a city, I never had those 200-pound fat mice(with crooked noses) living under my bed.

That was all so yesterday-ish. God.


So the story goes like this-

That yesterday was a fine day. The winds weren’t too cold- the sun wasn’t too hot—there were no birds in the sky, but that was ok.

I didn’t miss my bus, my hair was looking grand – I flunked science test, but that was ok.

After school, I had my favorite lunch, sang along some fav. Taylor swift tunes- I couldn’t watch ‘the big short’, but that was ok.


I was a good girl and I went to bed like a good girl- cause good girls usually remain good-( some old man must have said that)

Everything was fine until some idiot started reading me a bedtime story- uninvited!!!

How rude! Where are your basic etiquettes, huh??

It looked like ‘the tempest’ by William Shakespeare, but I couldn’t understand- coz it really didn’t seem English.

(not that if it were English I would understand)

And it was a really bad choice for a bedtime story.


It was only after a while that I realized that ‘Twas no gramma who reading me that horrible story-


A repulsive, revolting, sickening, ghastly, flinty, horrible, nauseating rat had crept into my room.


Then it crept into my cupboard.

(worst. Here it comes)

And it was chewing my brand new hoodie!!!!!!!

All. This. While.

Why? Why in god’s name would you do that? Pest?

Just after I had gone through this shocking situation, I locked my cupboard- coz that’s the only possible thing I could do, then I tried to get some sleep. Still shocked.

(I think Ratalie had a crooked nose)


‘Agent James Bond(dad) and Agent Evelyn Salt(mom) and in search of Miss Ratlie, as the rat is thought to be.

The rat took over social media and every possible place ever by wreaking havoc at queen Danusri’s.

The latest reports show that the rat chewed up an Rs. 50,00,000 met gala chainmail dress.

Miss Ratalie is wanted- dead or alive.’

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