saravanan Periannan

Action Fantasy Thriller


saravanan Periannan

Action Fantasy Thriller

Black Panther And Avengers Vs

Black Panther And Avengers Vs

5 mins

A fictitious story based on Marvel comic characters and marvel comic "dark avengers".

please read 

Iron man The battle of mutant and Captain America vs no-remorse before reading this story in storymirror.

T'challa invites his army generals and asks them to prepare the army.

The spaceship of dark avengers travels over Wakanda.

Avengers virtually meet T'challa and informs about the dark avengers.

T'challa uses his physics knowledge to develop a machine that emits that absorbs energy from a nearby energy source and transfers it into the ground.

T'challa gets a call from Sam Wilson the falcon to enter Wakanda with the avengers.

T'challa scans through the spaceship and verifies each and every avenger.

The avengers are greeted by T'challa and his wife Ororo Munroe.

All avengers thank the couple and leaves for their respective rooms.

T'challa goes to see Steve but Steve is not there.

T'challa moves to the warfare practice room and sees Steve rogers practising hard.

Steve, what happened? Asks T'challa.

I lost Panther and I lost my confidence says, Steve.

It is not right Steve you are a soldier you must fight with all you might.

This is not told by me and my friend Steve rogers told it.

Says and smiles T'challa.

Doctor Strange enters Wakanda using his magic spells and meets Steve rogers and T'challa.

Doctors Strange explains his dilemma of battling the void and promises to develop a magical spell to arrest the void.

Peter Parker feels a need for some extra strength to defeat the dark avengers.

He secretly travels to a nearby island where dark avengers reside using a motorboat.

Peter parker waits there for some time.

Venom senses the presence of peter parker and comes out of the Oscorp lab.

Peter explains to the Venom how dangerous Norman Osborn is.

Venom says I am ready to help you peter but you need to help me destroy my enemy toxin, the offspring of carnage symbiote.

T'challa informs the movement of peter to Steve and Steve gets angry at parker.

Parker is denied entry inside Wakanda again.

Parker tells he sought the help of Venom to fight dark avengers.

Steve instructs him to return to his home and resign from the avengers.

Venom starts to control his host peter parker with tendrils and spikes coming out from Venom.

The spikes of Venom pierces through the tree nearby and tendrils helping of Venom lifting him by attaching to that tree.

Venom with host Spiderman roars and moves from Wakanda.

Please cap calm down says T'challa.

Aaaah that Venom double-crosser betrayed us once again says Norman.

Calm down Norman now let us make a strategy smiles no remorse.

Shuri witnesses the movement of 1000's cyborg Thor each having a thunder and lightning generating hammer similar to Mjolnir.

T'challa and Steve Roger look at it.

Thor comes there and says let me destroy it.

Thor wait, let all of us go and finish off things once and for all say, Captain America.

Steve, Strange, Hulk, Thor, Falcon, Black Panther moves out of the security system of Wakanda and fights the cyborgs.

Thor and Strange use their magical powers and destroy the cyborgs.

No-remorse and his dark avengers come there and attack Avengers.

Norman Osborn takes out the space stone he got from the government to safeguard it in his WHACK organisation.

Doctor Strange sees this and teleports himself into sanctum Santorum using his magic.

Norman uses the space stone to teleport the avengers to the planet of mania.

The Avengers find themselves on the planet of mania.

The people of mania are a powerful species of soldiers who are the descendants of Odin's brothers.

The planet is named mania because the people here are a maniac about power, lust and occupying other planets.

These people are trained in magical powers and have enchanted their planet such that no other superpowers cannot be used there.

Doctor Strange contacts peter parker and peter parker along with Venom assures to help doctor Strange.

T'challa uses his Universal positioning system and also tries to contact Shuri.

T'challa contacts the AI Friday of iron man.

The leader of mania planet Qwaski orders his soldiers to arrest these people pointing avengers Steve, Hulk, Thor, Black Panther, Falcon.

Are you the king? Asks Thor.

No, I am the leader of the planet and every leader can be a king and every king need not be the leader.

The soldiers arrest the avengers there.

An able minister of Qwaski tells Qwaski to use the avengers after seeing the previous life events of the Avengers to fight the krees.

Qwaski places an ultimatum before Thor, Hulk, Black Panther to fight and capture the Kree captain marvel who possessed a major threat for manias in getting the titanium to make suits for their soldiers that is abundant in Kree planet or he will kill Captain America and Falcon  held in the prison.

Black Panther, Thor, Hulk takes the spaceship of Qwaski and moves to the planet of Kree.

They meet captain marvel and request captain marvel to help in releasing captain America and falcon.

But captain marvel denies and the fight follows in which captain marvel single-handed defeats all the three.

Doctor Strange, Venom spider man and iron man travels to mania planet.

Doctor Strange uses the enervate spell to reduce the power of enchantments cast by sorcerers on the mania planet.

Doctor Strange, Venom spider man and iron man joins Steve and falcon on mania planet and defeats the army of Qwaski.

Steve rogers' battles Qwaski and wins.

They all leave for Wakanda and informs Thor, Hulk, Black Panther to return to Wakanda.

Norman takes the natural vibranium and researches it.

The avengers reach Wakanda and iron man makes a small break in the security shield of Wakanda.

The avengers battle dark avengers.

Black Panther fights no remorse and kills him after the long battle between them.

Skaar makes peace with his father Hulk.

Stephen Strange controls and imprisons void in his mind using his klsh spell.

Bullseye gets defeated by Captain America.

Iron man tries to capture Norman but he uses space stone to travel to mania with a sample of vibranium and asks the help of Qwaski to help in the battle of avengers.

Qwaski takes away the space stone from Norman Osborn and kills him for sending avengers into his planet.

Qwaski then wages a battle on avengers and vows to kill Captain America.

Peter parker walks into his house and hears a voice

"did you forget your promise peter?"

Spiderman says Venom and sees a roaring Venom charging towards him and takes over Spiderman as host.

Venom roars.

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