Ovi Desai

Action Children


Ovi Desai

Action Children

Chhota Bheem and the Comb-seller

Chhota Bheem and the Comb-seller

2 mins


Bheem - A Brave Boy

Chutki - A sweet girl

Raju - A Small boy

Jaggu - A talking monkey

Raja Indravarma - The King of village Dholakpur ( Where Bheem stays )


It was a sunny day, Chhota Bheem and his gang was sitting under a Banyan tree. Then Jaggu said, "Can we go to the shops?" Bheem said, "Yes....We can go to the shops." Chutki ran near Bheem and said," Hmmm....One new shop has opened near the other shops. So let's go there. The shop is of hair combs, So please come there. I am going. You come or not. I am going!!" Bheem said, "Ok. We will also come. Lets go gang. Lets go!" Raju and Jaggu said "We will come with you." Bheem said, "Ok..OK...OK.." They all ran in the shop. Chutki said, "There is the shop."

Near the shop they were taking decision. "Who wants comb?" said Bheem. "I want! I want!" said Chutki. Bheem said, "Let's give a comb to Jaggu." Everyone started laughing like this - HaaaaHaaaa...... Chutki brings red comb and Jaggu brings blue comb. 

At night when Chutki was combing her hair and slept, her hair became bigger and bigger and bigger and soon became BIGGEST. Then Chutki wakes up. "What is this!!!" She starts saying Help! Help! But no one comes...

The Sun came. Raju and Bheem woke up. When they came to shops, they didn't not see not a single thing. The combseller was walking. Bheem asked that where are all? Combseller started laughing and said that he had made everyone's hair long. Bheem was angry. Combseller said, "Let's fight" Bheem and combseller started to fight and in the fight, Bheem pulled the combseller's mustache. Finally combseller was caught. Bheem showed him to the king. Combseller then made everyone normal. King was happy. Bheem was happy. Bheem went home and ate laddoos.....

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