Palak Chauhan

Children Stories Inspirational Children


Palak Chauhan

Children Stories Inspirational Children

Blessings Of Goddess Durga

Blessings Of Goddess Durga

2 mins

Once, there lived a small girl named Sonalika with her parents in the region of West Bengal. Though, her family couldn't earn enough because of their financial condition they were often treated very badly by their neighbours.

Sonalika's father was a priest in the temple of Maa Durga and Sonalika's mother stayed home and looked after Sonalika. Sometimes, they would get to eat and sometimes they had to sleep empty stomach their lives became miserable.

But they kept their un - ending faith in Maa Durga that she would do good for them. Several years passed, Sonalika grew into a fine girl but she used to stay unhappy with her family's condition.

It was time that Maa Durga heard her plea. It was a fine day and the entire State was getting ready for the Durgo Pujo wearing her new saree bought at a nearby fair Sonalika made her way to the temple for performing the Puja.

As it is said "God always tests you", and your devotion towards them the priest demanded a hefty price before starting the Puja even after requesting the priest to excuse them and look at their condition.

Still, he refused to listen to them and he started insulting them in front of the whole crowd. Sonalika couldn't control her anger and left the pandal with her parents and vowed that 'she would never come to worship Maa Durga ', Maa Durga never leaves her devotees alone.

Next day, it was a gloomy day everyone was sad and there was a sudden knock on the door a beautiful woman adorned with jewels, a traditional Bengali saree and sweet fragrance with a basket full of riches came to bless them.

Failing to understand her Sonalika asked her to enter and offered whatever they had in the house pleased by their services the woman blessed them and left the house. To their surprise, the basket was filled with riches and everything which they had wished for with tears filled in her eyes Sonalika thanked Maa Durga for her blessings this news slowly spread like a rumour some of them couldn't believe some were thankful and blessed the family members. The priest who had insulted them came rushing and asked for forgiveness from them.

And together everyone offered their sincere prayers to Maa Durga for her kindness and blessings.

Jai mata di!!!!

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