Drama Action



Drama Action

Blood, Wine and Roses

Blood, Wine and Roses

9 mins

Charu sat motionless staring at the person seated on the other side of the table in the well–furnished office room. The rumbling of the air conditioner was faintly audible. The name plate on the table read : Prof.(Dr.) Suryanarayana Verma.

Professor Verma is a retired professor of engineering, but he used to say an engineer can analyse not only the problems associated with the performance of engines, he can also analyse those associated with the human mind and the human society. And here, his piercing eyes have scanned through all the papers compiled by Yuvaan, the frowns on his forehead have multiplied and he is continuously tapping on the table with his fingers.

“Are you sure the mountain and the sword are material objects or they could be representations?”

Charu gulped: “They could be. But, why do you think so, Sir ? ”

Professor Verma cleared his throat: “A mountain stands solidly on its own base, keeping its head high against strong winds and calamities. It could thus represent a person who stands erect on his own legs with head held high, who takes his own strong decisions with esteemed confidence, and meets all challenges that come on his way triumphantly. Sheryl Varghese was a person of that category, an Iron lady. isn’t it ?”

Charu gasped: “And the sword ?”

“The sword represents Samhara, it means destruction in Sanskrit. It could also mean murder. Cold blooded murders have occurred either by Sheryl, or for Sheryl. The victims are of Sheryl, meaning her close relatives or friends.”

A shiver went through Charu’s mind. If that is so, then it explains why Martha screamed and practically fainted on seeing her face.

Professor Verma continued : “The inscription on the sword could speak of the victims. M for Marie, Sheryl’s co-sister, V for Victor, her father-in-law, K for Anthony, her husband who had the pet name Kunjachan. And F for Francis, Sheryl’s neighbor and family friend.”

Drops of sweat start rolling down Charu’s cheeks. She started shivering.

“But why Sir, why ?”

“That is exactly what we have to explore and find out. If each English letter in the code stands for the numeral 1, then mv02 means (1 + 1 + 2) = 4. Four victims. And, Fk09 would mean (1+1+9) = 11. Eleven years. Four murders in eleven years, by a brave and intelligent woman. All of them cunningly concealed. Seems interesting, yeah ?”

Charu did not answer.

x x x

“This museum stands at a place where once stood a reputed hotel, am I right ?” Charu’s voice trembled slightly. The museum attendant, Susanna, however hardly noticed it, as she was busy rearranging the shelf.

“Yes, madam. Hotel Mountain. A crazy name given by a crazy husband.”

“You know his name ?”

“Yes, madam. From the museum records. Anthony Delsworth. But, he did not build it, his father Victor Delsworth built it for him.”

“You mean, father-in-law of Sheryl Varghese. Right ?”

“Yes, madam. But ……” It was then she turned and looked closely at Charu’s face. Her eyes widened and she started perspiring. Charu turned her face away and walked out.

x x x

Professor Verma listened attentively as Charu talked : “Sir, Anthony was the youngest son of Victor Delsworth and also his dearest child. He inherited the entire hotel through the death will of Victor Delsworth. But, there is a loophole.”

“What is that ?”

“Anthony was the adopted son of Victor Delsworth and not his biological child. His other two sons, Albert and Angelo – both had settled in USA after getting married. Only his adopted son, Anthony and his wife Sheryl stayed back with him in India.”

“And presumably, since Victor had no daughters, Sheryl would have become his most beloved daughter. Am I right ?”

“Yes, Sir. I too have the same hunch. And this must have created uneasiness among his elder sons. Especially Albert’s wife Marie, who was the eldest daughter-in-law, could have become too skeptical on the increased importance Sheryl enjoyed in the family.”

Professor Verma scratched his forehead : “If that is so, then why at all would Sheryl want Victor be murdered ? Why at all would she plot his murder ?”

Charu looked equally confused. Are we wrong with the murder strategy? Does the sword personify something different ?

x x x

“Charu, Uncle Vincent could put lot of light on this and could possibly help us come out of this crossword puzzle.”

“But, Uncle Vincent has left for Egypt, Sir.”

“In fact, he disappeared all of a sudden, Right? Or, that’s what Ruth told you.”

Charu’s eyes narrowed : “Do you want to suggest he lied to me ?”

Professor Verma looked straight into Charu’s eyes and smiled. “Why not, my dear girl? Isn’t that also possible? Went to Egypt on a fine morning. More correctly, ran away. But, Egypt is not a picnic spot or a holiday resort. Above all, Uncle Vincent, at the age of 85, is no holiday maker. Egypt is the land of mummies and mummies accommodate dead bodies ……”

Professor Verma’s voice ended in a whisper. Charu breathed heavily : “No, Professor, no. You don’t want to suggest Uncle Vincent is no more …”

“I also hate to suggest that. He need not necessarily be dead, but could have been stupefied like a mummy. Made to hide and remain silent.”

“Then, we must spot him. We must.”

x x x

The old man who had covered himself with a dark brown shawl and had been sitting on the foot path, suddenly struggled to rise and vehemently tried to stumble forward, when the blue Volk Wagon came to a screeching halt and a middle-aged man and a young lady stepped out. It was fairly easy for Professor Verma and Charu to catch up with Uncle Vincent and stop him from toddling further.

“Come on, Uncle Vincent, don’t be frightened. We haven’t come to disturb you, we just want to hear a few words from you.” Professor Verma put his hand over Uncle Vincent’s shoulder. Uncle looked at him pleadingly, his lips trembling and hands shivering. He struggled hard to take his breath. Charu planted a gentle kiss on his forehead.

Uncle Vincent emptied his forth glass of red wine before he started talking, that too in a whispering tone. He was seated in Professor Verma’s apartment, Charu sitting in front of him and Verma adjusting his laptop.

“His advocate knew everything. He only prepared the second and revised death will of Victor and it is through that Kunjachan inherited all the riches, the entire Hotel Mountain …….” Uncle Vincent was breathing heavily.

“Marie …… Marie, the witch. She smelt a revised will is in the offing and wanted to stop it. She …..she ……” Uncle Vincent’s voice drowned. He closed his eyes. He was asleep. 

The museum director, Father Frederick, looked questioningly at Charu. He was evidently feeling uneasy.

“Are you talking about Dr. David Hans, the family physician of Victor Delsworth ?”

“Precisely”, retorted Charu. “He had maintained a diary, isn’t it ?”

“I don’t know.” Droplets of sweat appeared on Father Frederick’s forehead.

“But I know. It is preserved in this museum and I just read it”, said Charu. “It mentions that Victor Delsworth had been poisoned to death.”

Father Frederick gulped, his face went pale. He stared at Charu as if he has seen a ghost in the graveyard.

x x x

Professor Verma was aghast. He moved the laptop screen feverishly up and down.

“And that’s that. It tells many things. The inscription on the sword. The letter K is the chemical symbol for potassium or Kalium. Potassium cyanide, the instant killer.”

A chill went through Charu’s heart. She stared at Professor Verma in disbelief.

“K for Kunjachan and Kunjachan is Anthony. A for Anthony, S for Sheryl and that adds to As, meaning arsenic. Arsenic poisoning.”

Professor Verma was muttering the words, as if he was speaking in the sleep. Charu stood frozen in front of him, as if she had been hypnotized.

“And that explains everything. Marie and Albert wanted to block the registration of the second will, by which they could lose most of the riches. They administered arsenic into Victor’s body through the drinks served to him. Arsenic is a slow killer, it slowly paralyses the human body. Even the symptoms such as fever and body-ache appear slowly.”

“My goodness gracious !” Charu gasped.

“But, what they did not know was that the second will had already been registered.”

“But, Sir, if that is so, then how could Sheryl be held responsible for Mr. Victor’s death ? In fact, murder ?”

“It is Sheryl who poisoned Victor to death. A small dose of potassium cyanide mixed in lemon juice. But, that wasn’t a murder, but an act of euthanasia.”

“Euthanasia ?”

“Yes, euthanasia. Meaning mercy killing. Victor was getting almost half – paralyzed and Sheryl smelt the danger. Victor would have remained fully paralyzed in the bed for months or years without being able to move a single finger, until he passes away. The most painful and torturous death that could be meted out to an individual. Sheryl helped him escape from this trauma through a small dose of cyanide poison and he breathed last almost immediately.”

“So, should we call it an act of kindness ?”

“Absolutely. In front of the law, she is a culprit. But, in front of human conscience, she is one who saved an innocent man from pain and agony.”

Professor Verma continued : “Sheryl was also revengeful to Marie and she cunningly administered cyanide into her body, could be through a glass of scotch. Nobody could have suspected her, Marie’s death being reported as that due to cerebral stroke or heart attack.”

x x x

“It was Marie who showed that medical certificate to Anthony, which stated he was impotent …”

Uncle Vincent’s eyes grew red with rage. He wrenched his teeth.

“That bitch faked the certificate as she herself was a physician and that led to Anthony’s suicide. He mixed cyanide in milk and swallowed. If Sheryl wrecked vengeance on her, she was perfectly correct in doing so, perfectly correct ……….”

“But Sheryl was pregnant and she did deliver a baby girl, isn’t it ?” Charu’s voice was a bit louder than usual.

“Yes, yes. She ………..” Uncle Vincent breathed heavily, closed his eyes and again dozed off.

x x x

It was once again Marie who spread the news of Anthony’s impotency to their neighbor, Francis and Francis tried to cash on this. And that took Sheryl off the balance.

“You dirty dog! You want my flesh, eh? You faked my husband as impotent and now you say you could help me deliver children, yaah? Then, come on you dirty swine, come on. Eat me, if you dare ….” Sheryl’s voice reverberated like a sonic boom. Her eyes were blood red and she was shivering in boiling rage.

Francis stood terrified, in cold sweat. He desperately wanted to run away.

“The scene looks classical, well–tailored. But ……” Professor Verma once again scratched his forehead.

“But, Charu, there again appears a loose end. Sheryl reportedly left the city that night and Francis was found dead on his bed next morning. If she did poison him to death, then he would have been dead prior to her departure, since cyanide is an instant killer.”

“The story then demands a bit more twist. Right, Sir ?”


“Then, what could have occurred ?” Charu started brooding.

“Sir, I have an idea. Sheryl was strikingly beautiful and Francis had an obsession for her. Something like that he used to murmur her name in his sleep, in his dreams. This obviously infuriated Florence, his wife. A woman’s fury could go to any extent. Florence mixed cyanide in wine and gave to Francis that night, the suspicion however fell on Sheryl.”

“Oh, an excellent deduction.” Professor Verma laughed loud. “Four cyanide-induced murders in eleven years, by a single suspect, Sheryl. But, the only true murder was that of Marie.”

Charu sighed. The diary closes for now. But, a feeble voice was rumbling in her ears: “Have we truly finished? Do we not have a few more miles to go? A few more miles ?”

x x x

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