Kavi Ramya

Romance Tragedy Thriller


Kavi Ramya

Romance Tragedy Thriller

Bloody Rose!

Bloody Rose!

10 mins


All love stories do not have Happy endings...

"Hey! Did you see the red color dress that I wore yesterday? Do you know who gifted it?" asked Ria.

"I... I... want to say something special to you... Can you give me a moment? I..." said Rohan growing nervous.

"Wow! Did you see that? What a breathtaking view! So, you brought me here to show these waterfalls and rainbow. Nature has a lot of beauty hidden in it, right?" asked Ria, interrupting Rohan who was about to complete his sentence.

"I don't love you! I mean it" said Rohan breaking the ice between them.

Startled Ria took a moment to process the words which he said..."What? come again? Did you say I don't love you?...Who asked for your love?" said Ria, giving a perplexed look.

"Yesterday, I heard you saying to Diya that you like me a lot and love the way I am with you. So I thought you love me" said Rohan, frowning badly at her.

"Dude! Dia is my best friend and you too! When you celebrated my birthday yesterday I felt like saying so... For a girl/woman love has different meanings. I mean a girl loving boy doesn't need to be the love that you and most of the guys expect. Most of us have different emotions attached to the same word and express different ways of love...suppose mother's love, brother's love, sister's love, BFF (best friends forever) kinda (kind of) love... Hope I made it clear" said Ria and she walked away from him.

After a few moments, 

"I said what you wanted me to say! Are you happy by separating us? What will you get by doing this? You are my sister Dia. You can't do this to me!! I love Ria" yelled Rohan on Dia who hid beside the tree listening to their conversation...

10 minutes back before Rohan met Ria...

"Dia! Why did you bring me here? I need to talk to her. I planned big for my proposal. You are delaying it. Okay! Don't be jealous. I know I am not able to give you much attention like before after she walked into our life. I promise once we accept each other with this bonding called "Love", I will reveal to her that you are my sister and apologize to both of you for troubling. Now, let me go. She is waiting there" said Rohan eagerly looking at Ria from a distance.

"No, You are going to say I don't love you! You are never going to meet her again in your life. Promise me. I say Promise me" ordered Dia.

"Why are you doing this to me? You supported till now then why not now? Why have you turned against me? Why? Don't do this to me. I cannot imagine my happiness and life without her" pleaded Rohan.

"Do as I say or you will never see me again! You know me right! I tried committing suicide once. It's not a big deal for me to try again" said Dia.

"Don't take any wrong decision in hurry. I will do as you say. You are the only one blood relation who is left in this world for me. I can't lose you" said Rohan helplessly.


"It was destined. She is not a correct match for you. Stop thinking about her now. Just move on" said Dia who seemed unaffected by the conversation that took place between Rohan and Ria. She turned back and started walking swiftly. As he saw her cold behavior, Rohan said to himself "Where is my little sister who was generous, kind, and good-hearted? Why did she turn into cruel-hearted? Why is this sudden change? Please, Sis! I need you. There is something fishy. My inner voice is not accepting just what I saw now"

Next morning:

"I must leave!" said Ria.

"Even me! Maybe I can drop you on my way. Come " said Dia before Rohan could respond.

"Take care! Bye!" were the last words which he heard from Ria.

He felt like his heart was crumpled. He wanted to run behind her and stop her but couldn't as he promised Dia. He became lifeless the very next moment. Rohan felt like Ria wanted to say something. He wanted to confront her but he kept mum. He stuck to his promise and looked after his estate in his hometown.

Six months passed in grievance for Rohan.

"Brother! Can you please come to ****** hospital? Please come. There is an emergency" wept Dia

"What happened to you? Are you ok? I am coming. Stop crying!" consoled Rohan and rushed to the hospital.

He saw Ria lying there with a clean shaved head unconscious in a comatose state with an Oxygen pipe and Cannula. She seemed to be fighting like a warrior for her life.

"Hey Ria! wake up! What happened to you? Please get up. I can't see you in this condition. Please open your eyes" said Rohan crying bitterly for his loved one. He clasped her face and kissed her forehead.

Dia took him out and said, "Sorry. This is all because of me. Earlier, I was the one who told you not to reveal that you love her. I want you to break that promise now. Go run to her. She has very little time left with her. Express your love. Don't miss these moments of spending time with her... Run before it's too late..."

"I love you!! I love you!! wake up" shouted Rohan in agony sitting beside Ria.

"Please don't disturb her! Her vitals are unstable. I am not getting a pulse. Bring the machine. Ready...1 2 3!!" said renowned cardiologist to his assistant signaling Rohan to step out.

"Pulse is very weak, sir!" uttered the nurse.

"Try one more time! 1..2..3...Increase the level" said the doctor.

"Huhhhhhhhhh! " Ria gasped for air and her body was up in the air for a moment. She started responding and finally, her vitals were stable.

"Pulse is normal now!! Closely observe her." ordered the doctor with a feeble smile and walked away.

"Doctor! Thank you for saving her. She is my everything..." said Rohan to the doctor who was passing him.

"Is she everything to you? If so, you would not have left her in this pathetic state! " said the doctor with the pain reflecting in his eyes.

"Uncle! My brother does not know anything about her health condition. Please listen to me! Ria took the word from me not to tell him anything" interrupted Dia.

"What? What are you both talking about?" cried Rohan.

"You go home! I will come and explain you in detail" said Dia.

"Stop it! at least now tell the truth, Dia. I have the right to know about her health condition" said Rohan remembering the moments spent with her.

"Ria was suffering from cancer. She didn't want to inflict pain on you by revealing this painful truth. So she took a promise from me that I must not reveal her health problem to you. She loves you till eternity brother but doesn't want you to undergo mental agony after learning her slim chance of survival" confessed Dia, hanging her head low.

"A week before her birthday night, she felt dizzy and started puking blood. She visited a doctor none other than her father who is in front of you. I accompanied her in person. We thought it to be a small issue but it turned out to be a life-threatening one. By the time we knew it was late. She was on the advanced stage" added Dia with uncontrollable tears.

"I told her to share everything with you. But now I realized, she took the promise from Dia. I am working out all the possibilities to save her. I feel now only your love and God's mercy may help. I lost hope. You try on my behalf with love as a treatment" said the dejected father alias doctor.

Rohan walked to Ria's room in despair with the words she loves you started ringing in his ears.

"You cheated me! How can you do this to me?? Why did you snatch away my love from me? Speak Ria! I am not going to leave you so easily. I will help you recover and then I am going to punish you" said Rohan like a small boy crying from the top of his lungs.

Ria started responding. Maybe the guilt of not telling him the truth started to disappear which made her feel better day by day.

After six months...

They spent days together cherishing every moment. She recovered and was about to be discharged.

On discharge day:

"Hey! Can you give me those roses? My lover loves them a lot" Rohan smiled broadly and when the florist was about to give Red roses "No! Not the Red ones! The White ones!" purchased Rohan hurriedly and started rushing to the hospital. Dia, Ria, and her father waited for him to pick up Ria as they wanted Ria and Rohan to start afresh life together.

Waiting became longer and longer... Her father got disappointed and started to dial his number that went unanswered. After an hour, Dia received a call from a stranger who told her to come to Apollo hospital. She took Ria and her dad along with her as she thought about odd situations.

On arriving there, she found her brother lying in a pitiful state on a stretcher with roses in his hand that turned blood red from white. Ria was about to lose her consciousness for a moment.

"He met with a fatal accident while trying to save a small child. Alas! He died on the spot" said the person who saw the incident and brought him there to the hospital.

Ria somehow managed to take the card that was lying next to Rohan with trembling hands. Opening the card, she saw a note stating:

Dear Ria,

I wanted to punish you after I came to know the reason for leaving me but I can't.

Because I love you...I want to be with you...

Ria! Dear! Love doesn't always need to give us happiness, it can also give hardships and sorrow at times. It is up to us whether we want to face it without breaking our beautiful bond or by breaking it. It is wrong on your part to make your own decision to leave me without letting me know the reason.

You should have given me a chance to express my emotions. I lost the chance of becoming your support system and express my love by standing beside you and holding your hand in this critical time.

You did not love me wholeheartedly. If you did, then you would have told me and you would have asked me to be with you in every phase of your life.

Imagine if this would have happened to me. What would you do if I did the same as you? But it's okay. Let bygones be bygones as I only know to love you and don't know how to hate you.

Let us make a fresh start and fall in love again together.

And Your Punishment is to love me more than I Love you, Darling!!

Will you be my lifelong partner in this new journey called Marriage??

- Your Everlasting Love,


After completing the reading,

"No!!" yelled Ria, clenching her jaw and she felt like her world shattered to pieces...

After a few minutes...

"Rohan! You have already given me a punishment by leaving me physically. Come back...come back...I can't live without you. Please I beg you, Dad!! Do something!! Make him alive as you made me so!" said Ria in anguish.

It took more than a year for Ria to come out from depression and trauma. She tried to get back to normal post counseling sessions. But still felt bad and guilt for not telling Rohan how much she loves and how much she missed him.

Note: We may have a very short lifetime than we expect. Please spend the time with your loved ones to a greater extent so that you can leave a bundle of joyful memories for them. One will never know which second will be their last second in this physical world!!! Leave such memories that they remember happily even after you depart this world. Live happily and Give a reason for others to smile when they remember you. Don't carry emotional baggage...

Thank you for reading this.

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