Pramit Sindhu



Pramit Sindhu


Breaking All Bondages

Breaking All Bondages

2 mins

Life has to face different challenges its starts from birth. Thus the story is based on Geeta a village girl who struggles to get an education. Geeta was a brilliant child in school but her parents are workers earning their daily meals was also a problem for them. but the dream of parents was to make her child Geeta a teacher. As they are illiterate. They are having to know knowledge .but Geeta tried hard .she work in field .goes to market to sell vegetables .and in her free hour's study in streets. They were too poor even to purchase a notebook. but she tried and tried many obstacles come in between. She knows education can bring happiness to her life. But all neighbors start talking about why to waste her time on studies she has to do her home task only later. So they married her in her childhood .all All dreams of Geeta were crushed at an instance .she thought her life was meaningless. But she regains her strength and asked his husband to go to school .her husband was open-minded he agreed .but all question arises how a new bride can go for studies .it's time to give birth to a child and raise and look after home task and make his husband happy thinks was going outside the track but she managed and goes for open education.

she studies at the night after doing all house work. She finally completed her education .and thus break all the bondages that girl can't work as she applied to teacher job and got selected earlier whole family was shocked how she can work. but after receiving support from his husband they agreed and now she is helping the poor and needy .she knows now dreams can be real if you have the courage to full fill them. it's up to you how you can break barriers and stepped forward. 

Many Geeta is still fighting to break the bondage. It's you and me who can full fill her dream. so let's stand for them and break every bondages

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