আশালতা Ashalata

Romance Classics Inspirational


আশালতা Ashalata

Romance Classics Inspirational

Carol Of Motherhood

Carol Of Motherhood

5 mins

"The crimson red of maple 

turns fade as the time flows,

leaving behind some memories

and marking the arrival of new."

Petal encrypted the words in her diary.

The wind was blowing with the sweet fragrance of Christmas blossoms.

It was gonna be the beginning of a very new year. 

The valley of Primrose hill was decorating itself with the essence of new life.

"Writing another poetry?" Drizzle hugged Petal from behind.

"Yeah! What else can I do? Such a worthless woman I am !" Petal said with a sigh.

"Why do you keep blaming yourself all the time? It's not all your fault. Even I have some problem as well, but I don't brood for it." Drizzle turned Petal towards him.

Petal didn't say anything. She sobbed hard.

Drizzle slowly wiped her face.

He loved his wife with all his heart. 

Her gloomy face bothered him.

Petal and Drizzle shared a very happy life. 

Everything was filled with happiness and they had almost everything.

What they didn't have was a baby.

Petal still mourns the day when she came to know about the truth.

The doctor handed her a report which clearly said that her body is not capable enough for giving birth to a baby.

Even Drizzle had some complications as well but Petal was convinced that as she was a woman it was completely her responsibility to give birth, and if she failed to do so the fault was all hers.

Since ages Drizzle is trying to convince her that it's no one's guilt.

It's just their bad fate.

Petal was good with poetries. She enclosed herself in her diary and little did she think about the world around her.

"I hate tears in your eyes, you know that right?" Drizzle said in a slow note.

"And I hate my life." Petal pressed her lips tightly as if she was trying to hold her tears back.

Drizzle left her shoulders. He had never felt so distraughted before.

He knew Petal was mentally devasted.

The frequent mockings from friends and relatives have helped in deteriorating the situation.

"Let's go inside dear, come with me." Drizzle took Petal inside the house.


It was about eleven at night . 

Petal was sleeping with a huge burden of societal and mental pressure.

Drizzle stood near the window. He looked straight at the moon, but instead of praising it's grace he felt sorry for it.

The dark clouds were trying to hide the eternal beauty of the moon, just like the society was trying to kill Petal's happiness.

Drizzle remember once, one of his aunt told Petal,"A woman is incomplete without a child."

Drizzle wanted to protest but Petal's cold glances stopped him.

But now situation is getting out of control. Petal is becoming sick day by day and according to doctors if her mental health doesn't recover there is a little chance of her survival.

"I need to do something about this. I can't let her die like this."

Drizzle murmured.

The next morning, Petal was sitting at the balcony. It was so white outside. 

It seemed as if snow has wrapped the whole earth.

In mid of it stood a tall Christmas tree. 

It had a shabby appearance, it looked sad.

It was gonna be Christmas the next day.

Everyone was in a mood to celebrate the event.

But somehow Petal could not get into the mood of festival. She was sad too, just like the old , lonely christmas tree.

"Have you asked for any gift to Santa?" Drizzle asked her as he handed her a cup of hot chocolate.

Petal laughed a pale laughter. 

"Drizzle, don't you think I am grown up enough to be engaged in this childish thought?

Santa doesn't exist in reality. It is we who give gifts to our children through the story of Santa Claus.

And....and we don't have any children."

Petal tried hard to control her tears. She knew her tears would make Drizzle feel sad.

But Drizzle didn't turn melancholic. Instead he said, "Who knows? Santa might shower you with the most precious gift of our life."

Drizzle's jovial voice surprised Petal but she didn't pay attention to it.

There was nothing much to be done in the Christmas Eve after they had sent all the gifts and delicacies to their friends and relatives. 

Petal wrapped herself with a bright red shawl that Drizzle had gifted her.

"Here, have some plum cake." Petal served the pieces with great care.

"Did you bake it?" Drizzle asked with a sweet smile.

"Why? Did you want someone else to bake them for you?"

Drizzle laughed hard. He loved it when his wife acted possesive towards him.

After a long time the couple sat together and had a great conversation.

Petal was feeling much better, but still she could not feel cheerful from the bottom of her heart.

Soon it was time to go to bed. 

Petal slowly walked towards the window. 

Though she had said Santa was a mere fiction, deep in her heart she had a last hope. 

"You fulfill everyone's wishes, why can't you fulfill mine as well?" Tears rolled down from her cheeks.

Will the all mighty listen to her words?


As soon as the ray of light touched Petal's face she woke up. 

It was Christmas. There was a lot of work to be done.

She was about to get up when she heard the noise.

It seemed as if an infant was crying. Petal tried to listen to it carefully.

The voice echoed hard inside Petal's heart.

She felt that her own baby was crying.

She ran quickly towards the sound.

In the nursery, Drizzle was holding a baby in his hand.

"Who is it?" Petal asked. 

She was almost choking.

Drizzle looked at her affectionately and said,"She is our daughter, and she is all ours."

Petal couldn't utter a single word. She sat right down on the floor.

Drizzle slowly walked towards her and gave the infant chubby girl on her lap.

Petal hold her delicately yet firmly. Her eyes were filled with tears.

"Is she completely mine?" She asked in a very low voice.

"No, not completely yours. She is mine as well." Drizzle chuckled as he said so.

Petal smiled too.

"Yeah, ofcourse. She is ours."

The baby was staring at her mother. 

Suddenly she laughed out loudly. She could feel the love of her mother for her.

"Best christmas gift ever..." Said Petal.

"See, I had told you, Santa always fulfills everyone's wishes, and you have been such a good girl for the entire year. How on earth could he refuse you?" 

Petal embraced her daughter with warmth.

Suddenly the shabby christmas tree has started glittering brightly.

Melancholy has changed into showers of happiness.

"Shall we now go for singing Carol in the church?" Petal asked.

"Carol of motherhood." Drizzle uttered.

Then he came close towards Petal and whispered in her ears,"Merry Christmas sweetheart."

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