Anika Arora

Children Stories Drama Inspirational


Anika Arora

Children Stories Drama Inspirational

Carolina's Message

Carolina's Message

2 mins

Carolina was a little girl who wanted to spread the message of girl equality in her village. One of the ways to spread her message was at the speech contest. The speech contest was a contest at a minuscule scale where a panel of experts judged. 

Finally, it was the big day to spread her message! So, Carolina summoned up her valour and took a deep breath. At the contest, people talked about racecars, thoughts and a plethora of things. Carolina was intrigued by the speeches but then it was her turn. With bated breath, she walked upon the stage. Actually, she didn't prepare her speech and she had just penned down her thoughts on an amber piece of paper. 

So she scurried on the stage and she screeched on the mic, "Hi!" A man shouted, " Come on, tell the speech, quick!" Everybody had shut their ears as a horrible screech occurred and then everybody shushed the man. The man infuriated sat down on his seat. 

Carolina continued," Hello, well, Ummm, Are girls empowered? Well, even if girls and women have proved themselves, yet we see inequality? Tell me, for how many generations will girls be treated with inequality? About 132 million girls are not able to study at school. We need to change and to change we need to improve and it will all start if we support girls. Let them raise their voices and get the stage they deserve! Thank you!" 

Everybody clapped and after all, the panel of experts were impressed. Carolina was content and joyous that she won the trophy but she was even happier that she could spread her message. 

The End.

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