

2 mins

My elder son, left home for studies. Soon after, my ailing father in law departed. Two months later, my husband got transferred and shifted to another city.

I and my younger son, were sole occupants of the five bedrooms in the big house.

It, now dawned on me, that I was afraid of being alone!

However, because the situation couldn't be helped, I put up a silent show.

Then it happened, that my mother in law, started sending all our fathers belongings to our house; for my husband and children to use.( They lived in separate house, in same city)

One by one, things arrived. Photographs, medicines, his collected antiques, shoes, slippers, spectacles, books,even his glucometer.

Meanwhile, I prayed whole day, for strength while alone.

Then one day, my husband entered bringing most of his clothes in a trunk and his suitcase. My father in law's full name, was painted on the trunk.

We happened to place them both just beneath his garlanded photograph.

You must find it difficult to believe me, but since that day I haven't felt at all insecure or afraid. I feel great inner comfort.( Maybe, because I always wanted him to stay with us, but he couldn't, because of his ill-health; and the arrival of trunk, provided the closure to my sentiments.

Maybe, he wanted to live amidst family, but couldn't. The arrival of trunk; put his soul at peace).

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