Cold Drinks Is Our Life

Cold Drinks Is Our Life

2 mins

Once upon a time, there was a science faculty, which saw the needs of the poor people in the village. From some time, there was no rain so the municipal washrooms were stinking. The science faculty took it upon them to do something to find a solution.

One day, a scientist named ram discovered that cold drinks could be used as a toilet cleaner. He also grew more in researching and found out that the majority of people viewed Sprite, Fanta and Limca to give a feeling of lightness, while Pepsi and Thumps Up to activate pulse and brain. He also found out that carbon dioxide gas is dissolved in water to form carbonic acid, which is also responsible for the tangy taste.

He started doing experiments on them and finally discovered Sprite has the maximum amount of dissolved carbon dioxide and Fanta has the minimum amount of dissolved carbon dioxide.  

He also found some uses on cold drinks like:-

1. They can remove rust spots from chrome car humpers.

 2. They clean corrosion from car battery terminals.

 3. Soft drinks are used as an excellent ‘detergent’ to remove grease from clothes.

 4. They can lose a rusted bolt.

After ram’s contribution to help the village after being a part of the science faculty. The science faculty became famous across land.

Moral: If you stick your heart to something, you must find some facts to contribute

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