Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Romance Inspirational Others


Omatee Ann Marie Hansraj

Romance Inspirational Others



2 mins

Comfort is familiar, safe, predictable, and certain, but it keeps you stagnant. You don't allow yourself the opportunity to grow and evolve into the person you should be.

Growth is difficult, uncomfortable, and filled with uncertainties, but it opens doors and propels you into a path of self-awareness, self-love, overcoming trauma, and exceeding expectations of others and even yourself. Yet we fear exploring this journey and hold ourselves to the place we think is our place of comfort.

It will pull at the corners of your faith, it will stretch your identity and it will question what you think you know until you expand and grow and evolve. Don't limit yourself when there is do much for you to experience, explore and do in life.

You can’t have both. You have to choose.

And sooner your choose there is so much more you can do.

If you’re uncomfortable with things that didn’t bother you previously, with places that felt ok in the past, with people who were once safe for you, your mind is telling you that you have outgrown them and it’s time to find what feeds your soul.

Follow your gut feeling your mind is your greatest teacher is you look deep and listen to what it's telling us most time we don't. we doubt ourselves until we build the courage to explore that side of us or something happens in our life that forces us to take that direction.

This is human nature. Most times fear had us back because of the uncertainty of how things would work out. But we have to overcome that and give our self a chance.

© Annmariewrites. com

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