Consequences Of Good Looks

Consequences Of Good Looks

2 mins

It all started the moment when the best of the genes decided to come together and get combined together with cent percent accuracy inside Mrs.Khanna’s womb, as Virajveer was conceived.

And from then onwards, just like a faithful shadow, misery followed Viraj, wherever he went.

Not just a true gentleman, Virajveer was also the synonym for all those “prince charming traits” that all women desires for.

Though, he was a high-school passout from the prestigious Doon School, with degrees in Btech and MBA from IIT Bombay and IIM Ahmedabad respectively, still he was finding it difficult to get himself into a salaried job.

In almost all his job interviews, he was being offered either of the following offers in exchange of the jobs that he applied for, and each time for 54 times, he denied those offers as politely as was possible until he finally got a job from his own caliber.

The offers were:-

Marry my daughter (who were either twice his age or were physically challenged)

Be my sex slave for the coming week.

His fault?

Well, he was handsome, hot and charming, but most importantly, his looks were irresistibly tempting.

A new set of troubles was waiting for him as he entered the office.

From his very first day at work, it was no less than a prison for him.

From the Peon greeting him daily with words like- "Bhaya Kya mastt looking aj toh, Samosa nahiiii khilaogey”, to the canteen boy asking him for some extra “paisa”- probably as a penalty for looking good-was also a routine for Viraj now.

He even used to watch the ladies of the block from a distance, fighting among themselves for useless issues regarding him.

Even, the lady boss never got tired of experimenting with her seduction skills on him.

The males of the company were so jealous of Viraj, that they even started opening fake account with Viraj's photographs as the profile picture, inviting some more unnecessary trouble for him.

Funnily, Viraj got some unusual gay sex proposals too from his crazy colleagues!!

Anyways, the situation at work worsened with each passing day,making it extremely unbearable for Viraj, emotionally.

The sequence of events pushed him finally to an extreme,where he found himself as insomniac, restless, and suicide-prone, as he soon lost interest in all those activities that were once at his top priority list .

“Clinical depression with social anxiety”, the psychologist confirmed.

Very dramatically, he took charge of his life, breaking the age old silence over it.

He resigned from his job the following week, and took a brave life changing (or life saving) decision.

“Cosmetic surgery” it was.

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