Creating Force To Forget

Creating Force To Forget

1 min

life the past few months has been a reminder that I am growing older I am so busy in my work that I honestly lost the fact that my mother is also growing older .Today I witnessed a mother and a daughter in their last moment together, they had announced her plane's departure and standing near the door she said to her daughter"I love you,I wish you enough".she said "mom our life on this Earth is more than enough". your love is all I ever needed I wish you enough too Mom". They kissed and she left. I could fell she needed to cry.I tried not to intrude on his privacy but she welcomed me and asked did you ever say good bye to someone knowing it would be forever.. that words hit me very badly

Everyone of you reading this blog have mother.If you are still blessed enough to have her on this Earth. No matter how old our mother is the reality is that any of us could loose our mother at an time.lets all make an effort to make more time, express more love for her and make sure she should feel appreciated while we still have her with us. "MAA"

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