Ananya Raman

Drama Children


Ananya Raman

Drama Children

Double Trouble

Double Trouble

5 mins

Lucy quietly entered the classroom and waved shyly. First day at a new school was never easy. 'Let's all welcome Lucy to our class, children!' the teacher exclaimed. There was a murmur among the students and some of them said 'hi' while the others sneered. Lucy slipped into the bench closest to the door and gave a weak smile. First class was Math, and she had never wished to get the strictest teacher in the world. This was the worst day in her life, and thinking about what she was to do after school bothered her greatly. It was the real reason she moved to a new school......the worst was yet to come.

Soon, it was lunch break, and just as Lucy thought things couldn't get worse, a group of rowdy children began to insult her. 'Dry sandwiches? Did you pick that up in the garbage dump?' 'Ignore them' a little girl with long braided hair came and sat next to her. 'I'm Daisy, what's your name?' She asked. 'Lucy' Lucy replied nervously. It was very awkward; the two of them sat quietly eating their lunch, and when Daisy asked her 'where are you from?', Lucy stuffed her mouth with food so she would have an excuse to not reply.

She mumbled something which, unfortunately, Daisy heard correctly. 'You're from everywhere? What do you mean?' 'Well, my family keep moving, because-' Lucy wished she hadn't started the second part of the sentence. 'Because?' 'Because of work' she replied, half truthfully. Luckily for her, the bell rang, and Daisy returned back to her bench. It was English class, but the teacher, on the first day of school, always made everyone to introduce themselves. Lucy had till 'L' (they were going in alphabetical order) to make up a story, not too fake incase they found out, but she had to keep everything secret. Fortunately, there was a long list of 'As' and some of them had a lot to say. It was her turn now. 'I'm Lucy and I'm ten, I have a pet dog named Sniffer, I really like this school (she was lying, of course) and I'm looking forward to learning art, I really like to draw' she said. 'Now, Lucy, why don't you tell about your family?' The teacher asked. 'Yes, of course. My parents work in a company I'm not really sure, well, I think it's something about the stock market, I don't know...'

'Never mind, dear'. 'I haven't slipped much. It was all lies' she whispered to herself. The teacher allowed everyone to change their places and sit with their friends as she wasn't teaching.

Lucy sat with Daisy, or rather, Daisy came excitedly and sat with her. At first, Lucy seemed really uncomfortable with her, but as time passed, she began to like her. Daisy was cheerful, funny and smart. After the class ended, Daisy told Lucy 'it's play!' 'What?' Lucy asked confused. 'It's play period. We get to run and play around in the ground! It's fun!'

The two of them ran to the open ground with trees and fruits. 'You wanna play badminton?' Daisy asked. 'I don't know how to play Batmindon'. 'It's Badminton' Daisy said. 'And I will teach you' she smiled. At first, Lucy found it extremely difficult to use a weird bat with net to hit a flower-like thing, but she soon got the hang of it. She became closer with Daisy, and by the end of the day, they became best friends. 'I want to become a Badminton player' Daisy told her.

'Lucy, time to go home!' Her parents called out. Lucy waved to Daisy and entered the car with her parents. 'Did you tell anyone in the class that we're all part of a secret spy organization?' Her parents asked. 'You ask me this every time. No, I didn't'. 'Not even Daisy?'

'Of cou- Wait. How do you know about Daisy?' Her parents said nothing. They pulled the mini-tv in the car and switched something on. It was a house with a house-keeper who snuck out to the bank, stole money and cleverly escaped. There was a little girl in the house, someone who Lucy recognized very well. It was Daisy. 'The house-keeper is a bank robber. We suspect the family also helps her in her schemes, but we are unsure'. 'You can't possibly suspect Daisy! She's a kid! She can't be part of some big scheme!'

'You are a kid and you're part of a spy organization'. 'And I don't want to be! I'm just ten, the age where kids laugh, play and have fun, not serve in some stupid spy organization!' Lucy said angrily. 'I-I know what I want to become! Not a spy! A badminton player!' 'You don't know how to' 'I do! Daisy taught me! I trust Daisy completely even though I have know her only for a day. I don't care what you do, but I'm not going to spy on her. I quit!'

'Lucy, come back-' her father began, but her mother cut him off. 'It's fine'. One part of Lucy wanted to run and tell Daisy what happened, the other wanted to apologize to her parents, but one part of her wanted to sleep once she reached home, and she chose to act on that part. Without uttering a word, she exited her car and walked inside the house. Lying on bed, she consoled herself that everything would be fine and went to sleep. She hated being a spy. She wanted to enjoy her childhood like everyone else. When she woke up, good news reached her ears. 'Lucy, we're sorry. We investigated further, and, well, Daisy and her family were innocent. The house-keeper has been arrested'. Lucy jumped with joy and hugged her parents. 'I still want to quit' she told them, and they agreed. The next day in school, she saw Daisy, who was very grateful to Lucy for sticking up for her. The two of them became the best of friends and lived happily ever after.

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