S Poddar

Drama Others


S Poddar

Drama Others

Entry And Exit

Entry And Exit

2 mins

What's common between a child and an old person? One is entering this beautiful world and another one is going to exit. In both cases, doctors are required to complete the journey. When a baby is born family celebrates, when an old person leaves the world, various rituals and pujas are performed.

A new life in form of a baby is cherished by the whole family. The baby is dependent on the mother for everything, and can't eat or express itself in words, knows only to cry. Sleepless nights, continuous changes of the diaper, and singing lullabies all become cherishable memories. Buying diapers, wipes, toys, and dresses give immense pleasure. Parents take their children to the doctor for regular checkups and vaccines without fail. The first birthday is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm, next birthday is also celebrated without fail.

By nature's law, the baby keeps growing and after different stages reach the last stage of life, the old stage. This is the most painful stage of life when one doesn't want anything, there is so much pain and discomfort in the body, which any medicine can't cure. Have wrinkles throughout the body, which makes look ugly.

 Now love and time of family members give immense pleasure. Again has become dependent like a baby, can't walk without support, forget to take medicine, can't see properly without glasses, and sometimes can't even control pee and poop.

These inabilities now annoy others, another birthday means another year of burden. Everyone is waiting to bid goodbye.

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