Eternally Yours

Eternally Yours

5 mins

“Eaten something?” a female voice asked.

“No. I was so eager to meet you that I don’t felt like eating” voice of a man replied.

“You should see yourself how weak you look.”

“I came to meet you isn’t that enough why you always have a thing to ask about: had your breakfast had your lunch had your dinner. From when you become a talking notice board” he said smiling.

“It’s my care for you. If I will not ask then who will?” she said.

The man took a pause.

“You know no matter how much I complain I miss your talks.” He said while making a face that the woman can never forget. The charm and love was quite visible on his face.

In the heavy mist a man and a girl was sitting and talking. The mist was so dense that only their silhouette was visible from a small distance. It was not dark as sunlight was piercing the mist to reach the couple enough for both of them to see each other.

“Remember the day in college?” the girl asked.

“Yeah I do” the man said in an affirmative tone.

“Oh you know!! How do you know which day I was about to refer?” she chuckles.

“I remember everything regarding college even at this age as it was you who involved in every moment.”

The man was right; how anyone can forget the time spent with her first love...? The girl looks at his eyes like old days. She was one beautiful girl back then with black eyes. It was common to have black eyes but the thing which was not common is the way the man look at it. He was fallen for those at first instance you know how college days are always quirky. The man considered himself lucky to have her in his life with his average appearance in mind.

“I know how much you love me. You liar” she said in a comic manner to tease the man.

“Liar you called me liar. What I did wrong?”

“Just shut up I was about to tell you something don’t speak in between.”

“Ok” he put fingers on his lip and added “I will come back to it”.

“So where was I?” she took a pause as she was getting no clue where she left the conversation so she looked at him to get something out from him but he was still playing his part of being dump.

“Yeah got it college days. Remember the day when that guy who...” she shared that incident with him to which in the end he added.

“Yes I remember it was a tough plus exciting day all together” he said smiling.

Suddenly the wind getting stronger made their mind shift from talking to the current situation.

“I think you have to go now storm approaching” she said in hurried tone while looking at the sky which was covered with dust and black clouds.

“I don’t want to. I want to be around at this place”

“I wish for you that you don’t for 100 more years.”

“Then in such life I would be alive but doesn’t have a living. Without you it’s always been a void."

“I feel sorry for you” her emotions can be seen clearly.

Wind got more vigorous.

“Go or you going to be stuck here. Your grandchild is waiting for you in the car”.

The wind takes the mist away making the scene clear. The man can be seen clearly now. His wrinkles and dust from the coming storm was a tough path for his tears to roll downwards. Yes he looks weak and his posture slightly bends forward with the weight what it feels to be an apathy that he cannot carry on his shoulder.

What appears to be silhouette of the girl was a tree. The woman would now nowhere to be seen.

“Now you again gone. Why you play such game with me. Come back” said the man in disappointment and desperation. He could not higher his voice because of his declining health.

The man picks his stick which was fallen from fast flowing winds from his left. He put pressure on it and stands. On his left side where there was a stick there was a bouquet too. He lifts it up.

“You forgot those, my love. But I am not” he said while brushing off his tears.

He takes one step forward. And on the grassy field rest those flowers. His attention caught by the stone on the field.

Mary Jane

Will remain in our heart forever

“Indeed you will” he said.

“After you died I was alone and alone. That’s what best to describe me. And I thought to be alone in future because nobody can fill your place. My parents pressurized me to get married as who wants to see his son unmarried at age of 39. Then I came to you like I use to come frequently, you gave me vibe to move on which I did and rest is history. I am happy living with her. And yes as I told you before I have one daughter and she just like you. Why I am summarising this up because somewhere in my heart I wish you should be her mother. I want a family which includes you. But something just can’t happen, can’t happen Marry Jane” he pour his heart out once and for all.

He took his stick and with a heavy heart turned towards his vehicle where his grandchild is waiting for him. After reaching his car, the driver opened the gate he was still standing and looking at the grave as if she was standing there at that very place.

“Get back I close myself” he told the driver referring the gates.

“You know I have happy news for you dear. I am soon coming here. I know.”

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