Maruf Hasan

Abstract Drama Action


Maruf Hasan

Abstract Drama Action

Ethan's Thought

Ethan's Thought

6 mins

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled between rolling hills, there lived a curious student named Ethan. From a young age, he found solace in the written word, spending countless hours immersed in books and pouring his thoughts onto the pages of his laptop. His vivid imagination brought forth stories of adventure, love, and the boundless possibilities of the human mind.

Ethan's love for reading and writing had always been his sanctuary, his escape from the mundane realities of everyday life. However, one day, as he ventured beyond the familiar walls of his home, he found himself overwhelmed by the sheer number of people around him. The bustling streets were filled with thousands of students, each one seemingly a reflection of himself, with their own dreams and aspirations.

As Ethan walked amidst the crowd, he couldn't help but feel small and insignificant. He saw girls and boys, tall and strong, exuding confidence and purpose. It was as if he was seeing his fellow human beings in a new light, observing them with fresh eyes. Doubts crept into his mind, casting shadows over his self-assurance.

"What if these people read my works and laugh at me?" Ethan wondered silently. He couldn't bear the thought of his words being scrutinized and misunderstood. Moreover, he realized that he couldn't even remember the intricate details of what he had written. It was as though his revelations only came to life when he was lost in the act of writing, but the memories slipped away once he stepped into the world.

Fears of being caught by authorities, unjustly accused, or worse, consumed Ethan's thoughts. He imagined being assassinated for his writings, hanged unjustly, or even abducted by an enigmatic group seeking to silence his creativity. Such thoughts weighed heavily on his mind, and yet, amidst the chaos, he found solace in a resolute decision.

"Let it be," Ethan murmured to himself. "Whatever happens, I will not stop writing."

He realized that his passion for writing was a part of him, an intrinsic drive that couldn't be quelled by fear or uncertainty. The world around him might fade away, but his words would endure, capturing fragments of his imagination and curiosity.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Ethan retraced his steps back to the sanctuary of his room. As he closed the door behind him, he felt a sense of calm wash over him. The room, adorned with books and filled with the comforting hum of his laptop, felt like home.

Sitting at his desk, Ethan began to write once again. Words flowed from his mind to his fingertips, each keystroke bringing him closer to the realization of his imagination. The worries and doubts that had plagued him outside dissolved into the ether.

Hours slipped by unnoticed, for time became inconsequential in the realm of creation. Ethan's stories grew and evolved, infused with his experiences and the ever-expanding tapestry of knowledge. And although he knew that the people he had encountered that day would live out their lives in the following decades, while he would live but a mere hour, it did not deter him.

For Ethan knew that the power of his words would transcend time. In the vast expanse of the 21st century, all those he had seen, all those he had shared fleeting glances with, would vanish. Yet, the stories he wrote would linger, carrying a piece of his soul, awaiting discovery by future generations.

And so, in the sanctuary of his room, surrounded by the essence of his passion, Ethan wrote. He wrote stories that would transport readers to unimaginable worlds, invoke laughter and tears, and ignite the flames of inspiration in the hearts of those who followed.

As the last rays of sunlight danced upon the pages of his laptop. As the days turned into nights, the student, Ethan, found solace in the solitude of his room. He closed himself off from the outside world, immersing himself in the realm of his thoughts and words. The doubts and uncertainties that once plagued him transformed into a fierce determination to write, driven solely by his own passion and inner voice.

Ethan recognized that the true power of his writing lay in the act itself, in the cathartic release of his thoughts onto the blank pages. He didn't seek validation or recognition from others; his purpose was to express his innermost emotions and ideas, regardless of who might read them.

Late into the night, with only the soft glow of his desk lamp illuminating his room, Ethan continued to write. He poured his heart and soul onto the pages, exploring the depths of his imagination without reservation. His words flowed like a river, carrying with them his deepest fears, dreams, and hopes.

Sometimes, in the quiet moments between sentences, Ethan would question the impact of his work. Would anyone ever stumble upon his writings? Would his words resonate with others? But then he would dismiss those thoughts, reminding himself that writing was an expression of his inner truth, not a means to please or impress.

Ethan found solace in the idea that his words were his own, untainted by the interpretations of others. He embraced the freedom that came with the knowledge that his creations were solely for himself. The thought of being caught or judged by others held no sway over him. His stories were his refuge, his sanctuary from the outside world.

Hours turned into days, and days turned into weeks, as Ethan continued to write with unwavering dedication. He filled notebooks upon notebooks with his musings, his ideas, and his unique perspectives. His room became a treasure trove of his literary endeavors, a testament to his unwavering commitment to the written word.

While the world outside may have continued on its bustling path, oblivious to Ethan's writing, he remained undeterred. He knew that even if his works were never discovered, they had served their purpose. Writing became his therapy, his means of self-expression, and his constant companion in the journey of self-discovery.

Years passed, and the student within Ethan gradually transformed into a seasoned writer. His room, once a cocoon of solitude, became a haven of creativity and inspiration. Ethan grew, not just in skill but also in wisdom and understanding of himself and the world around him.

And as Ethan took his final breath, he left behind a legacy known only to him. His writings, hidden away within the confines of his room, became his silent testament to a life fully lived. They stood as a reminder that the act of creation, of putting pen to paper, was an expression of his truest self—a journey that needed no audience to be meaningful.

Ethan's story, like his words, remained untold. But within the secret chambers of his heart and the walls of his room, he had experienced a world of his own creation, unburdened by the expectations and judgments of others. And in that realization, he found a profound sense of freedom, knowing that his words would forever remain his private treasure, whispered only by the echoes of his own mind.

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