Everyday Diva

Everyday Diva

2 mins

Do we still think that only boys can take care of a family and take it forward? Do we still have this notion of having a baby boy just because he can look after his parents, when they are old?

Some people might think that way, but I have a different perspective altogether. The person who has contributed the most to improve my life was no relative, or no brother (I don’t even have one). It was my sweetest and the ever charming eldest sister Khushi. She has done for me the things; what an elder brother will do?

If I compare her to any boy, that would be disrespecting her. I am completely sure that she can do the same amount of work with the same amount of passion as a boy can, or even more. People have heard of angels, but I have seen one in the form of my sister.

For instance, when I wished to resume my studies which needed money, she was there. When I desired to do a computer course, she stood up and helped me selflessly. There are many other illustrations like this where she was the only hope I had and she never retreated. Her affection and care towards me and my family is what inspires me and motivates me to confront every challenge that comes my way. I will never be able to forget the lesson of perseverance and integrity my sister has taught me, and I love her for that.

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