Neeraj choudhary

Children Stories


Neeraj choudhary

Children Stories

Experience Of School Life

Experience Of School Life

1 min

When I was in 10th class and my class had 29 children we all classmates enjoyed all our free time. That time one of my best friends his name was Kajal, she was a very naughty girl, we were both best friends at that time but gone are the days now kajal had got married and we dont a lot of fun nowadays, we both no longer play and no longer hang around this time, that time after schooling when we both MoveOn another side, after few months she came to me she talks to me Neeraj my marriage was fixed so I invite you for marriage, I say to him thanks I wish I could but I cant never come to your marriage she said to me but why dont will you come in my marriage.

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