Bhoomi Arun



Bhoomi Arun


Fierce And Fearless

Fierce And Fearless

2 mins

"Becoming fearless isn't the point. That's impossible. It's learning how to control your fears, and how to be free from it". 

- Veronica Roth

How ironic is it that "fear" is an abstract noun but yet does not remain abstract to anyone? All of us, indiscriminate of our likes and dislikes, way of living, thought processes have our share in the pie of fear.

Restrained by the iron-hard claws of fear of failure or fear of societal opinion we often stop ourselves from doing what our passion lies in. To take the first step, start the journey of a thousand miles, it takes an immense reserve of courage. So a coward is he, who is afraid of change, who is a comfortable conservative who cannot push himself to try something new.

Nobody is completely flawless. The ones who we think really are, are the ones who have gone through hell experiencing their fears a countless number of times. It's only after that that they emerge as phoenixes from the fire of fear.

So believe in yourself. Find your fear and remould it into your strength. Accept and enjoy change. Overcome your fears and show not a pinch of equivocation for one never knows what the future has to offer to us. A hasty decision can topple down all your plans and push you down in life. A bit firm and brave decision can take you to dizzying heights. Fiercely oppose injustice and learn to stand up for yourself and the weak as well because an act of kindness is an act of bravery. 

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