Lexy Scarlet

Drama Others


Lexy Scarlet

Drama Others

Flower Boy Jisoo (Joshua svt)

Flower Boy Jisoo (Joshua svt)

6 mins

"I don't know why I am still hoping"

"I adore you, I need you, you are the warmth to my bitterly cold heart"


It was a rainy Sunday, the tiny droplets from the dark clouds made soothing pitter-patter sounds that brought somewhat comfort to Joshua. The petrichor smell overtook Joshua's senses and started to put him in a somnolent mood. Before Joshua could close his eyes and let his sleepy state take over him he heard the door open.

Joshua turned his head to the door finally remembering why he was sitting downstairs by the window in the first place. He was waiting for someone or more like he was impatiently waiting for his lover to return from work that ended almost 3 hours ago. He stood up and made his way over to his lover.

"Where were you?" Joshua asked in a hushed voice not wanting to seem irritated even though he was.

"Out." His lover answered sharply and simply before taking off his shoes and walked past Joshua without a single glance. Jeonghan, his lover's name. Jeonghan was always there for Joshua no matter what but lately, the said male has been distant and cold which hurt Joshua to no end.

Joshua felt a throbbing pain in his heart almost as if someone gashed and cut at his heart, the throbbing pain in his heart had moved up from his heart almost painfully slow to his throat. Joshua ran to the bathroom and promptly ran to the toilet. Joshua dryly heaved on all fours his stomach clenching in pain as he threw up into the toilet.

Sweat was slowly falling from his paled face after what had happened and as he came back from the slight daze state he went to flush the toilet. As he went to flush the toilet he saw red swirl the toilet, Joshua was scared he had thrown up blood and proceeded to look in the toilet.

What Joshua saw confused him beyond his beliefs, he saw alluring red blooming ethereal petals. This made no sense, how and why was he puking petals? Joshua was a clever kid and knew what to do in most situations but he was freaking out now and all he wanted right now were answers. Joshua ran to grab his phone from the kitchen table and began to search up, what it meant to puke up petals and how this was even possible.

Of course, looking on the internet was a bad idea but Joshua was desperate to know how in world you could puke up petals. The internet was full of wrong answers but sometimes the internet could be a big help. A few things pop up before one word caught his attention.

Hanahaki Disease

Joshua raised his eyebrow in confusion before clicking on it and read the article that contained a lot of important information. He was scared he had some type of deadly disease or maybe one that could spread to others and even worst his lover Jeonghan. Joshua couldn't even finish reading as he felt tears prick into his eyes blurring his vision a little.

" Hanahaki Disease is a disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It ends when the beloved returns their feelings (romantic love only; strong friendship is not enough), or when the victim dies."

Joshua shook his head. 'The internet had a lot of fake information in it so this could be one' Joshua thought and wiped his tears. 'He loves me just as much as I love him' Aiko said to himself as he flushed the toilet and rinsed his mouth with water and going upstairs towards his lover.

He needed to be by Jeonghan because he helped soothed Joshua whenever he was in a panic state or just need someone to be there for him. So when he saw his lover getting dressed In suits and pants he was confused.

"Where are you heading?" Joshua asked in a small voice hoping he wasn't getting to leave when Joshua was scared of being alone after the information he had just read on the internet. Jeonghan shrugged "I am having dinner with my family"

Joshua nodded his head and let his lover pass him even though he wanted to grab his shoulder and beg him not to leave his side and just for them to cuddle. 'Family is more important' He said as he huddled into the bed and curled up wanting at least some warmth.


It's been months ever since Joshua had started to puke or cough up petals. At first, he would puke or cough petals once a week but then it turned into 3 times to week, and now it's almost once a day. Joshua's lover Jeonghan had been distancing himself from Joshua and this hurt Joshua both mentally and physically.

Joshua didn't go to a doctor because he was afraid that the article would be true and Joshua couldn't imagine his lover falling out of love with him. 'No it's impossible he loves me, and he always will' Joshua said in his mind as he walked to the kitchen where his lover was cooking at. He loved when Joenghan would cook even if it was once a month.

"You love me right?" Joshua posited as he went behind his lover and looked at him unconfidently in the eye as he turned around. Joshua stared in those dark orbs almost as if he was being sucked in, his eyes were one of the main reasons why he fell in love in the first place.

He heard a deep sigh "Are you hungry I made food?" He asked gently not replying to what Joshua just had asked and Joshua perceived this with a frown but said nothing and nodded his head sitting down at the table with a sigh.

They ate silently before his lover had to go back to work even though he still had about an hour until his job started but Joshua kept his mouth shut and watched as his lover left through the door. 'Maybe his schedule was changed' Joshua said to himself getting up and taking the plates to the kitchen.

As Joshua was washing the dishes he felt his throat close up suddenly stopping the airflow. Joshua's eyes rolled in the back of his head as he went down with a thud, he felt something soft leave his mouth and onto the ground beneath him.

'Petals' He thought before black dots appeared into his vision causing him to strangulate on the petals that wouldn't stop flowing out of his mouth. Joshua didn't know what was going on but he had a good idea of what.

He was going to die...

He won't ever see Jeonghan again...

Jeonghan didn't love him...

It was a rainy Sunday, the tiny droplets from the dark clouds made soothing pitter-patter sounds that somehow didn't bring comfort to Joshua. The petrichor smell overtook Joshua's senses and started to put him in a somnolent mood. Before Joshua took his final strangle breath he heard the door open.


"I don't know why I used to hope"

"I adored you, I needed you, you were the warmth to my bitterly cold heart"

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