Selva m

Children Stories Fantasy Children


Selva m

Children Stories Fantasy Children

Friendship Has No Language

Friendship Has No Language

4 mins

I am Rahul. I live in a small village. Mine is a small family with father, mother and my little sister. I am studying in 8th standard. I am very happy to introduce my best friend in this story.

           Ours is a happy family. . One day, dad was watching news. I too was watching with him. A flash news about space ship and if aliens are true are not, was going on. . I asked dad who are them? He said, they are some persons who are living in space and not in our earth. . Research are going on whether it is true are not? I was sleeping thinking about that that night.

         Next day, on the way to my home from school, I saw someone got fainted and lying near a land. . I rushed near that person. . He seemed to be different. . I has water in my bottle and gave him. . He slowly recovered and was sticking around. . I asked what is his name and where is he from? He didn't answer but was staring me. . I thought he could not understand me and I gave some snacks. . He refused, as I was sitting with him till the sunset. I said, its too late. . Say me your address. . He was silent. . Can you come with me? I asked, he said nothing. . I took him home after a while.

    His dress was different and structure too. My family was outside on that day. So I took him to my home to stay with me. . Je was silent neither talked a word. . I didn't disturb him. . I offered him room to sleep. .   

He slept good and next morning his fear was gone. . He said that, i m alien. . I live in space. . I lost my way. . I have to return back soon. . But how i asked him. . My space ship is under repair. . So, I decided to help him with my father's help. . I give him my dresses as no one to recognize him. . I talked to my dad about this. . First he was afraid. . Then he had faith in my words . he said they would return next day morning. .  

   We too were thick friends soon. . I explained all about universe, the people, behaviour. . He slowly understood me. .

      Next day, my family came and introduced him as Sam. . My father along with us came to the lost place of space ship. He called some of his friends to handle this. Meanwhile, we went for a walk. . At that time a thief came to snatch my sisters necklace. . I was shocked. . I ran towards him. . But he ran away with a knife. Sam was silent. . After some time the thief came running towards me. . I wad afraid. . But he gave necklace and went and said sorry,,, please tell you friend to leave me. . At that time I noticed his face and body with blood. . Sam has beaten him to get ride from us. . He ran away. . I talked with Sam. . I said thanks a lot. . First time he replied, No need of thanks between friends. . I was smiling. . We spent some days together. . We were like brothers. . Within few days he was close with all. . He space was getting ready. . On that day he was leaving us. . We both cried. . But he was under emergency to return to his home. . Our hearts were broken when he was trying to leave us. . Lastly he said, I am thankful to you. . I won't forget you. . Friendship has no limits. . He gifted a small magical thing, in which I could see him . . I too gifted a frame containing our photo. .

    He started from my home to reach sky. Bidding good bye. . He memories would never lost

My family was proud, saying, frienship had no boundries, sign, language,,,, it need a pure heart. . # sm boss

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