Ashwika Amit

Horror Tragedy


Ashwika Amit

Horror Tragedy

Get Lost

Get Lost

1 min

The wife angrily said to her husband one last time “For heaven’s sake, just get lost”. Saying this she pushed her husband hard. The husband lost his balance and fell off from balcony. Wife under shock of what she just did, stood rock still there. She ran towards the edge of the balcony in attempt to catch hold of her husband, but alas it was too late.

He was gone but his body was not on ground as well. The wife got cold wave across her body that shook her up. She was thunder struck. She started to look around madly but nowhere her husband found. She started to cry uncontrollably. Just then she felt a hand across her neck, bewildered, she looked up, it was her husband standing over her. He grabbed her by arms and made her standup. She was hysteric and could not believe her eyes, she hugged him tightly and closed her eyes. A voice whispered in her ears “Get Lost”




A crowd gathered at the ground and started talking in loud voices. The wife lay there covered in blood just beside the body of her husband.

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