Triya Kumar



Triya Kumar


Getting Sucked In Minecraft

Getting Sucked In Minecraft

1 min

Once there was a boy who all day long played video games. His Mother said "One day you will get sucked in this Minecraft". But he did not care. One day while he was playing light came and he got sucked!!! First in this boring world he found far away and beautiful Meadows, cute rabbits, and birds, cats,and dogs. As it was getting dark there were horrible Creepers, Zombies, Spiders, And Skeletons. He was terrified he got gunpowder from creepers,flesh from zombies, strings from spiders and bones from skeletons! When he was in his home which he built he was so so so scared until he heard "Wake up wake up wake up!!!" He hugged his mother and told her everything she made him promise not to play a lot of Minecraft. It was a dream!!! But he still had the Gunpowder, flesh, strings and bones!!!!!

Moral listen to your parents and play less video games!!!

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