Maruf Hasan

Abstract Horror Fantasy


Maruf Hasan

Abstract Horror Fantasy

Ghost Family

Ghost Family

10 mins

Once upon a time, nestled within the prestigious International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), there resided a peculiar ghost family at the heart of the university's central library. This ghost family had observed the passage of time and witnessed countless generations of students come and go, as each new semester brought in thousands of fresh faces to the campus.

The ghosts had an ethereal understanding of how the students behaved, transforming from wide-eyed juniors to confident seniors over the course of their academic journeys. It was as if they had a front-row seat to the evolving dynamics of the university.

As each semester began, the ghosts observed the nervousness and excitement that radiated from the newcomers. They marveled at how these juniors would rush through the library's corridors, searching for textbooks and reference materials, occasionally bumping into one another as they navigated their way through the maze-like shelves.

The ghost family would watch as friendships were forged and study groups formed. They witnessed how the juniors would eagerly participate in orientation programs, joining clubs and societies, trying to find their place within the vast university community. Some would stumble and make mistakes, but that was all part of the learning experience.

With the passage of time, the ghosts noticed the transformation of these once-anxious juniors into confident seniors. They would walk with purpose, their heads held high, exuding a sense of maturity and wisdom. The ghosts admired their ability to navigate the challenges of academic life and admired the resilience they displayed in the face of adversity.

Over the course of 40 years, the university had evolved in numerous ways. The ghosts whispered among themselves about the new buildings that sprouted up, the expansion of academic programs, and the integration of modern technology into the campus infrastructure. They were witnesses to the changing landscape of IIUM and its commitment to providing a holistic education to its students.

Amidst their musings, the ghost family couldn't help but gossip about the students' encounters with them at the central mosque. Some students claimed to have seen the ghosts in the late hours of the night, dressed in flowing white robes, engaged in deep prayer. The tales spread like wildfire, sparking fear and curiosity among the students.

While the ghost family chuckled at the notion of being feared, they also understood the importance of the central mosque to the university community. They admired how the students gathered there to seek solace, guidance, and spiritual nourishment. The ghosts had silently observed the transformations within the students' hearts as they grew closer to their faith.

In the end, the ghost family realized that they were not merely invisible observers but custodians of a rich legacy. They recognized their role in preserving the history and memories of IIUM. They were there to witness the stories of thousands of students, each with their unique journey, and each contributing to the vibrant tapestry of the university's past.

As the semesters came and went, the ghost family continued to reside within the central library, quietly observing the ebb and flow of life at IIUM. They reveled in the joyous laughter, the late-night study sessions, and the celebratory moments that echoed through the corridors. They were proud to be part of the IIUM community, a place where dreams were nurtured, friendships were forged, and knowledge was sought.

And so, the ghost family remained, eternally tethered to the heart of the university, watching over the students who walked in their spectral footsteps, weaving their own tales of growth and transformation. For within the hallowed halls of IIUM, the past intertwined with the present, and the spirits of the ghost family continued to silently celebrate the enduring spirit of learning, faith, and community.

In addition to the ghost family that resided within the central library, there were other spirits who found solace and a sense of belonging on the blue rooftops of the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). These unique spectral beings made their homes atop various buildings scattered across the campus.

One such group of spirits inhabited the blue rooftop of the main administration building. They were known as the "Administrative Guardians," and their presence could be felt by those who worked tirelessly within the walls of the bureaucracy. The Guardians, with their translucent forms, would lend a helping hand to overwhelmed staff members, guiding them through the intricacies of paperwork and offering support during busy times. Their whispered advice and unseen influence kept the administrative wheels turning smoothly.

On the rooftop of the student dormitory, Mahallah, another group of spirits found solace. These ethereal beings, known as the "Mahallah Watchers," were deeply connected to the students who called the dormitory home. They would sway gently with the evening breeze, their presence comforting those who sought respite from the challenges of university life.

The Mahallah Watchers, with their boundless wisdom, offered guidance to students during moments of uncertainty. They observed the late-night study sessions, the laughter that echoed through the halls, and the heartfelt conversations shared among friends. Sometimes, they would even whisper words of encouragement to those who needed an extra boost of motivation. Many students believed that the Watchers' presence helped create a sense of community and belonging within the dormitory, turning it into a true home away from home.

Near the Mahallah, tall and majestic trees stood sentinel, casting their protective shadows over the pathways that wound through the campus. These trees, known as the "Guardians of Wisdom," held within them centuries of knowledge and secrets. They had witnessed the birth and growth of IIUM since its inception.

The Guardians of Wisdom would rustle their leaves in approval when students passed by, their hearts filled with a genuine thirst for knowledge. They whispered ancient wisdom to those who paused to listen, providing a connection to the rich intellectual heritage of the university. Many students found solace in sitting beneath these trees, seeking inspiration and guidance in their shade. The trees, with their deep-rooted presence, were symbols of strength and resilience, reminding the students that growth required patience and perseverance.

Together, the Administrative Guardians, the Mahallah Watchers, and the Guardians of Wisdom formed a spectral network that wove throughout the campus. Their presence, though unseen by most, shaped the experiences of the students, staff, and faculty of IIUM. They were custodians of the university's spirit, ensuring that the core values of knowledge, community, and faith were upheld.

And so, as the days turned into semesters, and the semesters into years, these spectral beings continued to reside on the blue rooftops, mahallah rooftops, and among the ancient trees of IIUM. Their collective presence added an enchanting layer to the campus, reminding everyone that they were part of something greater—an institution where knowledge intertwined with the unseen, and where the spirit of learning transcended the physical realm.

Deep within the spectral network that enveloped the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), the ethereal beings that resided on the blue rooftops and amidst the ancient trees possessed a unique ability to connect with the students in times of need. When deadlines loomed and assignments piled up, these spirits would extend their otherworldly assistance, subtly influencing the minds of those who were struggling.

Known as the "Guiding Spirits," their presence was often felt by students who found themselves overwhelmed with coursework and unable to navigate the intricacies of their assignments. The Guiding Spirits would carefully select individuals, their discerning gaze falling upon those who demonstrated a sincere desire to learn and grow.

With the students' consent, the Guiding Spirits would gently enter their minds, becoming companions on their academic journey. They would whisper words of wisdom and inspiration, guiding them through the dense labyrinth of research, analysis, and writing. When students felt lost or confused, the spirits would offer a guiding hand, nudging them toward the right path and helping them discover the answers they sought.

These ethereal companions possessed a profound understanding of the subjects at hand, drawing from their collective knowledge and experiences that spanned generations. They would illuminate concepts that were once perplexing, unravel complexities that seemed insurmountable, and infuse creativity into the students' work.

However, the Guiding Spirits were careful not to overpower the students' efforts. They remained in the background, providing gentle nudges and insightful suggestions, allowing the students to maintain ownership of their work. The spirits knew that true growth and learning could only come from within, and they were there to amplify the students' potential, rather than overshadow it.

As assignments neared completion, the students would find themselves producing work that surpassed their own expectations. They marveled at the depth of their research, the clarity of their arguments, and the elegance of their prose. It was as if a veil had been lifted, revealing a newfound confidence and capability within themselves.

In the end, the Guiding Spirits' influence was not limited to the completion of assignments. They imparted valuable lessons on perseverance, critical thinking, and the power of seeking help when needed. Through their presence, they instilled a sense of resilience and self-belief in the students, reminding them that they were capable of overcoming any academic obstacle that came their way.

Upon the submission of their assignments, the Guiding Spirits would retreat, their ethereal forms fading away as the students' work took flight into the hands of their professors. Although they departed, their impact remained, leaving the students with a profound sense of gratitude and an enduring connection to the hidden world of knowledge and guidance that permeated IIUM.

And so, as the semesters continued to pass, the Guiding Spirits of the blue rooftops, mahallah rooftops, and ancient trees of IIUM continued their silent mission, offering their spectral assistance to those who sought it. Their influence was a testament to the interconnectedness of the seen and unseen, the material and the spiritual, within the vibrant tapestry of academic life at IIUM.

In the ever-changing landscape of education, the arrival of advanced technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) did indeed transform the way students approached their academic pursuits at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). As AI became more prevalent, the significance of the spirits that once guided and supported students began to wane.

The AI-driven tools and platforms offered students a new realm of possibilities and convenience. They provided instant access to vast repositories of knowledge, streamlined research processes, and even offered automated assistance in various aspects of academic work. With AI at their disposal, students found themselves dreaming of a future where technology could augment their learning experiences and offer unparalleled opportunities for growth.

The spirits that once resided on the blue rooftops, mahallah rooftops, and amidst the ancient trees of IIUM struggled to comprehend this technological shift. Their conventional nature and deep-rooted connection to traditional modes of support left them unable to understand the potential of AI in enhancing the learning journey.

As students immersed themselves in the world of AI, the spirits watched from the sidelines, their ethereal presence fading into the background. They observed the students embracing the power of machine learning algorithms, virtual assistants, and online platforms that provided personalized educational experiences. However, the spirits couldn't help but feel a sense of longing for the human connection they once shared with the students.

Yet, despite the allure of AI, there were still moments when students yearned for a touch of the mystical and the unknown. In the late hours of the night, as they labored over their assignments or sought inspiration for their creative pursuits, some students whispered tales of the spirits that once roamed the campus. They shared stories passed down from previous generations, tales of guidance, and the warmth of an invisible presence that once accompanied them.

These whispers sparked a curiosity among some students, leading them to explore the hidden history and folklore of IIUM. They sought out the aging alumni who still remembered the legends of the ghost family in the central library and the ethereal beings that resided on the blue rooftops and amidst the ancient trees. In these stories, they found a sense of connection to the university's rich heritage and a reminder of the importance of human interactions amidst the technological advancements.

Over time, a balance began to form between the embrace of AI and the acknowledgement of the spiritual realm. Students realized that while AI could assist them in numerous ways, it was the human connection, the stories shared, and the wisdom of those who came before them that held a special place in their hearts.

And so, in the era of AI, some students sought to revive the appreciation for the spirits that once played a significant role in their predecessors' lives. They created spaces within the digital realm to share and preserve the folklore of IIUM, ensuring that the stories of the ghost family, the Mahallah Watchers, and the Guardians of Wisdom continued to be passed down through generations.

As the campus continued to evolve, the spirits found solace in the knowledge that their presence, although less visible, had left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of those who had once sought their guidance. Their conventional ways may have given way to the allure of AI, but the essence of their existence, the values they embodied, and the wisdom they shared still lived on, intertwined with the dreams and aspirations of the students who walked the halls of IIUM.

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