Horror Action Thriller



Horror Action Thriller

Goddess Kali

Goddess Kali

1 min

Goddess Kali is regarded as the most fierce and destructive form of Shakti. 

Once upon a time, Rakta Beej, a powerful demon got a boon through which he could duplicate himself as soon as a drop of his blood touched the Earth! For this, he was called Rakta Beej! He was soon uncontrollable and wreaked havoc everywhere.

Hence, Shakti in the form of Goddess Durga was summoned to kill the demon. As soon as she wounded him, his blood fell on Earth and the demon kept on multiplying! 

Enraged by this, the Devi took the fierce form of Kali and slew each demon and drank his blood immediately. After she consumed the army the Goddess became mad with blood lust and slew the innocent. 

The Gods then approached Lord Shiva for help. Lord Shiva then lay down among the corpses. Accidentally, she stepped on Shiva and soon realized her mistake and calmed down which made her tongue stick out. 

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