6 mins

Now a days Guttu the son of a rich farmer created a major problem in the house. He was 21 and every one was keen for his marriage. He agreed for that but he put his one demand that girl should be B.A passed. It was a very unique demand. He never studied but as he was the son of millionaire no one objected that but his strange demand put the whole house in fix and every day there was a hue and cry in the house and Guttu very cooly got-up early in the morning and spent his whole day in green fields and came back at night but no-one could change his decision of marrying B.A. passed girl.

 One day he was caught hold by servants and brought in-side the house. The first person he met was Dada ji holding a thick rod in his hand asked—‘-Son of an owl,  do you know the meaning of B.A passed girl ?’

Yes, he replied, ‘My only demand is B.A Passed and if the girl is quite fat, black complexion, poor, can not speak properly I had no objection.’ I am firmed For B.Apassed bride.

Dada ji got-up and with great anger thrashed the rod on Gutu 3 and 4 times and announced that he should change his decision other wise tied him in stable then he would come into senses.

Suddenly mother in hyper mood came holding a broom in her hand and thrashed Gutu 3and 4 times with it and said ,” You idiot, Change your decision. We have searched in all the near by villages but can not find the girl of your choice. ‘’ but Gutu repeated ,’’No and No.’’

Gutu was the only son of his family. They were rich farmers and possesed lots of land. Parents tried to send Gutu to school but he had no interest in studies in other words he was totally illitrate. He had good personality. Quite tall, smart and in other words very smart and perfect in all fields. But now his demand of marrying with B.A passed girl was very strange. Once he was sitting in his room Dadi came along with smart, very beautiful and cultured girl.     Soon Gutu came to know she had passed only 5th class,he at once refused.

Elder sister of Gutu who was married far away place came and advised him,’’ Listen my dear good brother, your demand is right but you never think of prose and cones of B.A passed girl. Those literate girls are very rude, clumsy and never co-operate with any-one in the house. Even very easily keep an eye on the money of elders and after few months they will leave the husband and stay their own. So my dear Gutu marry with the girl of elder’s choice. But Gutu said ‘No’and left the room. His firmed decision made elders to send the message for his marriage to far away places and one day they were successful for finding a girl who was B.A passed but had no parents.

With great pomp and show marriage was solmonized and as she was going in a rich family relatives did all the arrangements with great zeal and in that way Gutu was married with B.A passed bride.

Next day the whole village was invited for food and other ceremonies and all were pleased with the behavior of the girl. Though she was on a darker side but still looked preety. She was tall ,slim and quite mannerful. Even Gutu was smiling and looked happy on his unique choice of learned wife.

After one weak, it was hardly morning when many people got-up and going towards fields and many were brushing their teeth and washing their mouths while some were sitting on a cot and enjoying hookas but all were still talking about Gutu’s marriage. Suddenly they saw a car was coming towards them and the roof was open. Gutu was driving the car and his wife was sitting along with him. Many stood-up and some fell down from cots and elderly people were so much amazed that they stopped smoking Hooka.

‘’What Gutu is doing? It is the mischief of his learned wife. Now she will revolve Gutu any way. Today she is on the roads now next day what other things we have to see.’’ All said in one tune. Hare Ram.

Next day, all were invited for lunch and they found the young bride was serving the food and giving maximum respect to all. Gutu was standing in a corner with wide smile.  

After few days a person came running towards chopal where villagers were sitting and gossiping. Suddenly they stood-up and declared that ‘ it is too much, we would object this proposal.’

Gutu’s wife refused to use open fields for toilets and advised to build new types of toilets in every house. How could it be possible? Then our village become hell.  Ram, Ram.

Gutu alone ,took the side of his wife and the work started. With in a month a small toilet was constructed and others also agreed and later they found that it was quite hygenical and safe from many diseases.  Voh, voh. Gutu ki wife. But some mischievious people said, ‘’She is quite crook, let us see what is her next planning.’’

Villagers found she gave maximum respect to every one. She always wore proper clothes and always moved along with Gutu who also looked quite dignified. After a month again there was a great hue and cry in the village. ‘’ Who will look after the fields? Who will nurish the cattle? Have we enough man-power. This is the mischief of Gutu ki Bibi’’. Now we will approach Lambardar to take a step against her’’.

  Nothing happened and after a month people found a truck loaded with benches, chairs and black-boards reached in Gutu’s house and his Bibi was arranging all the things in the last rooms of their house. Next day Gutu was announcing, “Come and admit your children in a Primary- School of the village with following facilities.’’

1.       Free education.

2.      Lunch and uniforms will be provided free of cost.

3.      Only one teacher school i.e Gutu ki Bibi.

4.      One music teacher is required.

With in a weak there were 15 children in K.G class. The villagers heard the first prayer of the school I.e

Vaishnav- Jan –ko- Tahi- Kahiay, Jo Pir parayi Janiyia-----.

All were happy as the mischievios children were in the hands of Learned Gutu ki Bibi. As well as a study desire arouse in Gutu and with in a month he learnt a lot as he was the precious student of his Bibi. With in 5years their village was converted into a graded school and other villages also encouraged their children to get admission in a school.

The boys learnt the new techniques of farming and also took admission for higher studies. Many were selected in army and when they reached in uniforms in village the hookas were also stopped to give flames. The learned girls when married far away villages they also spread the good habits as well as opened new schools for children like their Head-Mistress Gutu ki- Bibi.

Girls were perfect in cooking, food preparations, stitching, knitting and in that way the most of the villages become quite advance. After few years Gutu ki Bibi got the best award and when she came home, she saw four children of hers was running fast to attend the school as Gutu also opened a separate school for boys.

 The 4th boy was not at all interested for going to school. Gutu ki Bibi with smile said,’’ He will be alright when his Bibi comes.’’ Gutu ran and picked him up and said,’’Oh, No. He will not follow my foot-steps.’’ All laughed and laughed

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