Sakshi Agrawal

Horror Tragedy Others


Sakshi Agrawal

Horror Tragedy Others

Hallucination Or Dream?

Hallucination Or Dream?

2 mins

It was 4 PM. I came back from school and put my bag aside. I sat in my room. Suddenly I spotted some glitters near the book on study space. As I reach there, I found something stuck between my books. I wonder, what it is while trying to free it. 

And the next moment, a genie appears in front of me. I got scared and stepped back. He promised me that, he will give me whatever I want because I helped him. I asked him for a lot of toys, and he gifted me that. He started living with me. I was at the pinnacle of happiness and joy. And one day, at 3 AM, I heard some sound from my kitchen. I moved there and found no one. And then shifted to the balcony to check. And what I found, left me in shock.

My dear friend, the genie was doing some mischievous activity and his look was also changed. He caught my hand and took me close to the balcony railing. He was about to push me down. And suddenly, I woke up. I was curious to know, whether my genie was a zombie, who is here to kill me because I accidentally pushed a lady from my balcony, who died. I never shared this melodrama with anyone because it maybe is my dream or was I hallucinating? Or it is the soul of that lady, who was murdered by me.

To be continued....

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