Harsh Reality Of A Girl's Life

Harsh Reality Of A Girl's Life

3 mins

A boy and a girl after completing MBA started talking about what they want to do in their life now . Girl asked the boy what he want to do further in his life and boy replied by saying "I want to do a job for 1 to 2 years and after that I could join my family business, let's see what does future holds." Then boy asked girl what she want to do in her life and she replied by saying, "I won't be joining any company for a job."

Boy felt weird because during the MBA he heard her telling other girls that she would be actively applying for jobs, boy asked her why she won't apply for a job but girl kept dodging this question but boy kept asking asking. After a while girl answered by saying I won't apply for a job because my family doesn't want me to, then boy asked what does your family want, she replied by saying, "My family wants to get me married as soon as possible so that I will be able to start my family quickly."

She continued by saying - it is very different for boys and girls, when you will have a choice what to do in life on the other hand I will be forced to get married whether I want to or not, you will have a choice who to marry and I won't have that choice. She said, "You will doing something good in your life earning a name for yourself and I will be at home risking my life to give birth to babies whether I want to or not." She continued by saying, "I will be forced to give birth as many times my in-laws want whether I want to or not and god knows whether I will survive during this or not."

After hearing what was on her mind boy started feeling bad for her and all the girls who have to kill their dreams in pressure of their family. Boy asked her what does she want to do in her life and girl replied by saying it doesn't matter what she want. Boy told her that it matters to him, hearing this she told him that she wants to do a job, earn a name for herself and make her parents proud Girl asked him Is it wrong for girls to dream? Are girls good for one thing i.e to give birth to kids ? Boy never thought like this and after hearing this boy asked to himself Is really we evolving as a society? We worship Devi Laxmi , Devi Parvati, Devi Saraswati and they all are women, Is it fair for us to treat all women like this and worship Devi Laxmi, Devi Parvati , Devi Saraswati? Now girls are number one in every field from education to running a corporate enterprise and they manage their home's side by side but still the society doesn't consider them equal to boys. Why they didn't get the respect from the society which they deserve ?

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