Nikhil Maturi

Comedy Drama Horror


Nikhil Maturi

Comedy Drama Horror

He is a Clown , Yes Sir Ye!

He is a Clown , Yes Sir Ye!

1 min

He has a Big Red Nose, with Dark Red Hair 

He has enormous shoes covering his feet

And a bowtie on his spotted shirt

Who is He?

Who is He?

He is a clown, Yes sir Ye!

He gives some the creeps 

While he gives others a grin

Some might fright while others enlighten

He can be fun and playful

Or a dark monstrosity to see

He can make your day or send you back home that day


He might be at a fair or he might not

He is not everywhere, where he is a mystery 

When he's there he could be handing out balloons or giving a scare

If there is a fair he's usually there 

He might give the kids a balloon or make them scared

If you like him or not he is always there 

If he's scary or not 

He will always be there

Some might scare 

Some might like 

But he will always be there 

No matter what!

He's a clown, Yes sir Ye!

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