




Headless Nation of Kairita

Headless Nation of Kairita

1 min

The media cameras flashed all round the man, who exited the federal courthouse

“How are you able to assure citizens that the law still implements for people who established it, knowing you place a corrupt man back on the streets today?” the newsman sharply pushing a mouthpiece within the lawyers face

a rough blast facade of the government building, people shouting, medias capturing the instant


A man watching at the commotion, 'Professionals without heart' then walk down the long steps to the paseo, once three heavily armed men came and position.

“W-what did I do? I’m innocent.”

The man felt the two bullets scorching into his skeletal structure and one into his head.

The General sharply signal the 3 armed men,

“you shoot the incorrect target!” the three armed men snap out,

“clean the mess you made! Plant a dangerous drug in his body! UGH! KAIRITA!”

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