Rachna Vinod



Rachna Vinod


Her Mother’s Daughter

Her Mother’s Daughter

5 mins

Looking into the mirror, Bubby was startled. There was that most beautiful woman in the universe staring at her. She was not expected to be there because there was no information about her arrival. Surprising the people and coming or going anywhere without announcing was never her style. She was always under the public gaze. Her movements were always noticed and known. Maybe this is what celebrities are prepared for. They acknowledge and accept this public recognition and many a time they thrive in such adulation. Bubby vividly remembered the only occasion when the people who had gathered to meet her face to face were taken by surprise.

It was a crisp autumn evening, the kind where the air carried a hint of nostalgia and the leaves create a golden carpet on the ground. The local club's annual gala was in full swing at the riverside. Guests in elegant attire mingled, their laughter mingling with the soft strains of the string quartet. The gala was the social event of the season, and the who's who of society were present. However, amidst the glitter and glamour, there was an undercurrent of disappointment. The guest of honour, the dazzling Vishnupriya, had sent her regrets at the last moment due to a conflicting engagement.

Vishnupriya was not just a celebrity; she was an icon. Her ethereal beauty and unparalleled talent had catapulted her to global fame. With every role she played, she left an indelible mark on the hearts of millions. But beyond the silver screen, Vishnupriya was known for her unwavering dedication to philanthropy. Her presence at the gala was supposed to be the highlight of the evening, a beacon of hope and inspiration. Her absence was a palpable void. As the evening progressed, whispers and speculations filled the air. Some said she was attending a secret film shoot, others suggested a private matter required her attention. No one knew the real reason, and that added to the mystique surrounding her. For someone like Vishnupriya, every step, and every appearance was meticulously planned and executed. She thrived under the spotlight, her life an open book for the public to read and admire.

Suddenly a hush fell over the crowd. There she was, Vishnupriya, standing at the entrance, looking more radiant than ever. Her arrival was unannounced, unexpected, and utterly breathtaking. Dressed in a simple yet elegant gown, she walked in with an air of grace that silenced the room. Vishnupriya's sudden appearance stirred a wave of excitement and curiosity. What had brought her here, defying her usual meticulous planning and the predictable rhythm of her public life? She smiled, her eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief, as she made her way through the crowd, acknowledging the stunned and admiring faces around her.

As she reached the centre of the room, Vishnupriya took the microphone. "Good evening, everyone," she began, her voice as melodious as ever. "I apologize for any confusion my earlier message might have caused. Sometimes, life presents us with moments that are too precious to miss, and tonight is one of those moments." She paused, her gaze sweeping over the audience. "In the whirlwind of our busy lives, we often forget the simple joys, the spontaneous acts of kindness, and the beauty of surprise. I realized that while my presence here was expected, my heart wanted to make this appearance in a way that truly honours the spirit of this gathering—unexpectedly, but wholeheartedly."

Vishnupriya's words resonated deeply, reminding everyone that even in the world of fame and fortune, authenticity and spontaneity held immense value. Her presence, once again, had a profound impact, transforming the evening into an unforgettable memory. As the night continued, Vishnupriya mingled with the guests, sharing stories, laughter, and genuine moments of connection. In that spontaneous act of surprise, she had not only graced the gala with her presence but had also reminded everyone of the beauty of living in the moment. Vishnupriya's unexpected arrival was more than a surprise; it was a testament to her humanity, her ability to embrace the unexpected, and her unwavering commitment to touch lives meaningfully.

Acknowledged for stunning beauty with brains, Vishnupriya was the most beautiful woman in the whole universe for Bubby. Blessed with a sharp sense of observing and memorizing her surroundings, Bubby had grown up in very pleasant ambience under the constant loving care of her parents. Her mother, Vishnupriya left the mortal world when Bubby had just stepped into her teens and she needed her mother most. She had looked up to Vishnupriya as her mentor. For every child, her/his mother is the most beautiful person in his/her life. Bubby always carried the image of her usual smiling kind face with stunning looks. For Bubby, Vishnupriya, the most beautiful woman of the whole universe had descended down to earth to be her mother. Often seen as a distant star in her real life, Vishnupriya had blended with other distant shining stars in her afterlife.

So many years had passed. So why today, Vishnupriya had again descended down on the earth to stare at her in the mirror, Bubby wondered. She rubbed her eyes. Now, as Bubby faced her own reflection, she saw more than just a physical resemblance. She saw the lessons her mother had imparted, the strength she had inherited, and the love that had always been a guiding force. Bubby had become a mother herself, and she recognized the same fierce protectiveness and unconditional love that her mother had shown her.

The realization that she had become her mother was profound. It was a testament to the enduring bond between them, a connection that transcended time and space. Bubby understood that her mother's legacy lived on through her. In that quiet moment, Bubby felt a deep sense of gratitude. She no longer saw the resemblance as something to resist, but rather as a precious gift. The reflection in the mirror was a reminder of the timeless influence of a mother's love, a love that shaped her, strengthened her, and ultimately defined her.

Bubby stood up, a soft smile playing on her lips. She walked to the mirror and gently touched the glass as if reaching out to her mother. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice filled with emotion. And in that moment, Bubby embraced the woman she had become—the woman who was, and always would be, her mother's daughter.

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