Gowri Ajikumar



Gowri Ajikumar


Her Scent

Her Scent

2 mins

She had no way.

Nobody understood her love

Mocked her for no reason

She was rejected by people.

It will be beautiful if people realised

Love had only the same meaning in all dictionaries

Regardless of 'ours' or 'theirs'.

Only she got 'her scent as a gift'.

This time Fameedha's room was messy, she was busy with her preparation for a presentation. Fami was a confident girl and her communication skills were excellent. As usual, she came up with a lot of compliments. She was so busy and only after reaching home got the time to glance the phone. Nithya's missed call was there. Fami didn't want to have a conversation with her now but since Nithya tried to contact her so much she tried to call her. Nithya wanted to meet her. Fami invited her to home.

Nithya had a hot coffee. She made some space for herself in Fami's bed .''You are shifting to Dubai, isn't it?" Fami asked looking at her precious engagement ring. "Is he that rich?" " That is why my parents wanted me to be with that stranger for life long," Nithya replied. "Tomorrow will be a great day for you. Enjoy it 'bride'," Fami said bitterly. "I know, tomorrow I am taking an auspicious oath on my body. Before that I came for my last wish, I need that true love for the last time. I will be dead inside from tomorrow," Nithya said with a depressing face. Time flowed so much. They never realised. 

Fami looked at the time. She called for Nithya who was sleeping under the blankets. It is getting late. "Can't you say to your parents about this? " Fami asked her while giving her a glass of water. "They are very homophobic. Even they punished my sister a lot for loving a boy." Nithya replied after satisfying her thirst. She left Fami after her 'last wish'. Fami has no words. Fami had already struggled a lot in this society for her sexuality. She can understand the struggle of Nithya from an orthodox family. She had tears in her eyes. The only thing she can sense was the scent of her dear lover on her bed.

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