Regina S

Tragedy Crime Thriller


Regina S

Tragedy Crime Thriller

Her Shattered Dreams (A Thriller Story)

Her Shattered Dreams (A Thriller Story)

12 mins

Chapter 10

All the best Raju…. don't worry about anything, Madhu's chapter is closed, even her spirit won't come for you. We will take care of everything, you have done enough for us. Pooja will be waiting for you, go get married to her and start your life happily”. “Everything clear now?” asked Devkanth looking up at Jeeva and Siddharth.

“But why would he do that to Madhu?” asked Siddharth. “Who is pooja?” asked Jeeva. “I will tell you… replied Devkanth. Raju and I were childhood friends, we lived in the same village, though poverty was at its peak in our houses it never stopped us from being happy. Raju lost his parents at a very young age his grandmother was his everything… I spent all my time with him in his house. Raju’s grandmother was an amazing storyteller. One of her stories stayed in my mind…it said that learning mantras can abolish poverty. I heard a villager talking about a man who does black magic, but he lived in another village. I’ve always wanted to go meet and learn from him. We were 13-14 years old at that time. I took Raju with me to the village. I became his disciple and learned his ways. Raju used to wait from morning till evening for me, That is when he met Pooja. She was around 3-4 years younger than us. It was love at first sight for Raju. She was a beautiful girl and Raju was mesmerized. It took him 5 years to build up the courage to speak to her. He expressed his interest to her, but she rejected him. I couldn't see Raju so upset, I told him that I could make her fall in love with you through black magic but Raju never agreed to it. He tried speaking to pooja again, he asked her why she never liked him and she said: “All my life I have seen only poverty. I don’t want to be poor forever…. I have had enough. I’ve decided to marry a man who is rich”. Raju knew becoming rich isn't that easy, he lost hope…. but he couldn't forget her. Days passed, he found a job in Madhu's brother's farm, that's when he met Madhu. She was very good at heart but there wasn’t much to look at, her skin texture was unsightly. she never came out of her house because of that. One day pooja came in search of Raju, she reciprocated his love. Raju was in cloud 9. But he reminded her that he wasn’t the rich man she’s always wanted to marry. She was so head over heels in love with him; she let her ambition fall between the cracks. Raju believed that their happily ever after has begun. Jeeva’s eyes widened in realization, he said “now I understood everything….. just because Madhu was rich he lied to her in the name of love and killed her for her money…”. Jeeva swiftly walked away from there, Siddharth followed. “Raju wait…please wait….” Devkanth yelled at the top of his voice. Jeeva and Siddharth were already in the car. “where are we going?” questioned Siddharth. “To the hotel… to tell the truth to Madhu” replied Jeeva. “No Jeeva we are not going to the hotel… just leave this here, Madhu is waiting to take revenge, and if she finds out that Raju was the reason behind all this she will not spare you”. “Siddhu, I don’t care if it is my current or previous life I would never cheat a girl in the name of love, I have heard people saying we carry a good quality from our previous life and I have always valued love. How could I have deceived an innocent girl who trusted only me?” “This is not the time for you to think about what you did or did not in your past life, think about Ridhi” said Siddharth. “Siddhu please don't stop me, you either stop talking and come with me or you get down and let me take care of this” replied Jeeva. Siddharth spoke nothing, but he looked furious. They were driving towards the hotel, Devkanth and his son followed them in their car. Jeeva stopped the car at a gas station to fill up some fuel. Once he was done he got into his car and started driving, not realizing that he’d dropped his wallet. Devkanth, who was following them noticed it and picked it up, and continued to follow.

Jeeva and Siddharth reached the hotel. As they were about to enter the room, Siddharth held Jeeva's hand and stopped him, Jeeva pushed his hand and walked inside the room no 107. Siddharth followed. Madhu's voice echoed all around the room “Raju I know you will come back, where is he?!? Did you find him? Tell me……I am waiting to paint this whole room red with his blood!! Devkanth entered the room at the exact time those words were said. Madhu roared with anger. Her voice reverberating, almost bring the roof down. “YES!! YOU MURDERER!! I WILL NOT SPARE YOU!!! my dreams waiting here to start my life with Raju were shattered because of you!. Jeeva yelled “Madhu!!! it wasn't him… it was your beloved Raju who was responsible for what happened to you. Me…. I was behind everything.” He said with his head lowered in shame. He continued “Devkanth and Raju were close friends… for money Raju fooled you in the name of love and you fell for it”. “No my Raju would’ve never done that to me. NOOOOO!!!!!!” screamed Madhu. “NO!! it was me…” yelled Raju. “It wasn't you Raju” echoed a deep voice from the other end of the room; it was Devkanth’s. Jeeva and Siddharth looked at Devkanth in shock, Madhu cried “I knew it can't be my Raju, it was him!” she shouted. “No the reason behind your death is neither me nor Raju” said Devkanth lifting up a photo that he got took from Jeeva's wallet. The silence in the room was deafening. Siddharth had his hands on his head looking utterly thunderstruck at it, Jeeva grabbed the photo from Devkanth's hand “what the hell!! Are you out of your mind old man? How did you get my wife's photo?” Devkanth smirked as he looked at the picture in his hand “so…. your bonding with pooja is so strong…. that is why even in this life you found her”. “Stop talking nonsense!!” Asserted Jeeva “She’s not Pooja… she is Ridhi, my wife!!”.“Whatever her name is right now doesn’t really matter, but in a previous life she was pooja and you killed Madhu to provide her a luxurious life. Pooja was the mastermind, she planned everything carefully and we all just acted it out”. “You are lying, you said it was Raju and now you are saying it was Pooja!!” shouted Jeeva. “why would I lie? What is the point in lying now?” questioned Devkanth raising his eyebrows. “Then why didn’t you tell us when we came to meet you” asked Siddharth. “you guys bolted out of the house even before I could finish” replied Devkanth casually. “What are you saying? who is Pooja?” asked Madhu with her voice filled with anger. Devkanth said “Pooja was Raju's love.” “who am I then? Growled Madhu. Devkanth replied, “you were just a piece of paper for him, he used you for your money so that he can live a lavish life with Pooja!”. “Stop bluffing!!” shouted Jeeva. “Please let me finish the story and then you will know what I mean..” replied Devkanth slyly. “ When Pooja came to our village to talk to Raju one day, she saw him talking to Madhu. She even noticed Madhu crying when talking to Raju… she asked Raju about Madhu and got to know Madhu was the richest girl in town, though she was purest at heart she was judged by her looks in the village. People would never look up at her face to talk to her. All the marriage proposals that come her way would reject her and opt for her younger sister. She knew Madhu was heartbroken and vulnerable. Pooja thought for a while and wanted Raju to act, make her happy, tell her what she wants to hear, and make her fall in love with him… make her trust him, slowly take all her money and then ditch her. Raju never agreed to it, pooja stopped talking to him. Raju couldn't bear the pain of not talking to or seeing Pooja. her friend told Raju that Pooja's parents started looking for a suitor. Raju was scared; he never wanted to lose pooja so he decided to proceed with their plan. He acted like he really cared, often told her she looked beautiful, that she is so untainted and he loved her heart…. poor Madhu fell for his untruthful words. Raju became her world. Every time they met Raju spoke about his poverty and Madhu started helping him with money and jewels. When Madhu's brother got to know about him, he arranged for her to be married to someone else. Madhu told Raju that they should elope, Raju agreed. He planned to get her to Bhavani's lodge and just leave and never return, but pooja was not ok with it. She thought Madhu will be trouble, so she decided to kill her. Initially, Raju never agreed to it later he did. My friend(the hotelier) and I killed Madhu as per pooja's plan. I knew Madhu's soul will be an issue, so with the knowledge gained from my master I tied her soul to here in this room. Raju and pooja decided to move to another city and start their life but the bus on which they were traveling met with an accident and they both died on the spot. 

After listening to the story everyone was silent. but Jeeva bellowed “No! It can’t be! my Ridhi would never do such a thing!! she can't even think of hurting a bug....i. I don’t understand!!.. Madhu doesn't believe him, Ridhi can't be Pooja I know her very well!!... Madhu said “I know Raju… it can't be Ridhi, he is trying to fool us. I will not spare him today!. “Ok… you don't trust me huh? The only one who can release Madhu's soul is the one responsible for her death. call your wife, I will teach you a mantra that is used to untie the souls and one by one let us all throw this salt in the direction of Madhu's voice when whoever was the reason behind her murder throws this touches her, Madhu's spirit will be revealed and set free, what say you? Questioned Devkanth. “No, my wife will not come here” replied Jeeva firmly and someone opened the door and entered. “Ridhi what are you doing here?” shouted Jeeva. “I am sorry dude, I didn't want you to come here to meet Madhu and risk your life, so I asked Ridhi to come over. I had no idea things were going to get so complicated”. Devkanth laughed Out loud “this….” he said stretching his arms wide open “is what is called fate!” Madhu Roared “Laugh while you can murderer!. That was the 1st time Ridhi heard the ghost. She shrieked and hid behind Jeeva in fear. “Let's go from here,” she said digging her nails into Jeeva's shoulder. Jeeva replied “yeah let's go, come on Siddhu let's go!”. All 3 walked towards the exit but the door banged shut on its own. “Raju… I am sorry, after I kill this murderer I will forever go away. I want you to stay here with me when my spirit leaves the world. Jeeva didn't know what to say; he stood in silence. Meanwhile, Devkanth took the salt in his hand and threw it in the direction of Madhu's voice and said “I was the reason behind your death. I release you from your wretched existence!!”. But nothing happened. Devkanth laughed out loud. He called out to Siddharth and instructed him to do the same. Siddharth hesitated, he was scared but eventually he did it and nothing happened again…. It was Jeeva's turn. “I don't believe in all this… let me go,” said Jeeva trying to open the door and holding his wife's hand. “I know you wouldn't have done this Raju, I want you to prove that so this coward doesn't blame you for anything”. Jeeva had no other option so he agreed and threw the salt on Madhu but nothing changed. Madhu chuckled “I knew my Raju can't hurt me”. “Wait Madhu……. Didn’t I tell you who the real mastermind behind everything is” and pointed his finger towards Ridhi. Ridhi on the other hand didn't even know what was happening or why she was here. Jeeva pounced on Devkanth and held him by his collar “don't you dare to point your finger at my wife” he roared. Devkanth laughed “if you have so much confidence in your wife, why are you scared? He said slyly and opened his hand to reveal a palm-full of salt. Without knowing what exactly is happening Ridhi grabbed it out of Devkanth's hand and threw it in the direction of Madhu’s voice. Jeeva screamed for Ridhi, but it was too late they could see an image of a skinny girl with a repulsive appearance. Everyone was flabbergasted at the apparition in front of them. Jeeva tried to pull Ridhi towards him but she was dragged across the room. Madhu held Ridhi by her neck midair. Jeeva and Siddharth screamed and pleaded with Madhu to let her go, but it was of no use. Madhu’s voice thundered “YOU TOOK EVERYTHING AWAY FROM ME!! You deserve to be dead!!” Jeeva begged “Please let her go, I can't live without her”. Madhu turned around to look at Jeeva, her eyes glowing red “You can’t live without her huh? You can go with her then” she growled and grabbed Jeeva by his neck and held him beside Ridhi. “Please spare them, they were not aware of what happened in their previous life…it's not fair to punish them for something they didn’t even know!” sobbed Siddharth. “NO!!!” screamed Madhu “I trusted him all my life, even after my death I waited for him to save me…. but he was one of the reasons for my death, he cheated me in the name of love. They deprived me of my dreams and for that, they must be punished”. Madhu squished Ridhi's throat and her head went limp that very second. Jeeva tears rolled down his cheeks. “Raju I never thought for one second that the one who I considered was my whole world would destroy it” Madhu’s eyes Glowed brighter, she wrung Jeeva's throat; his lifeless body fell onto the solid floor with a loud thud. Siddharth went numb at the sight of his dead friends. The room started to shudder... Madhu looked at the corpses and bellowed “ I curse you both!!! Your souls will be trapped inside this room for all eternity! May your souls never find peace! This place will forever be haunted!!”. There was a calm in her eyes…. “I am leaving this world, never to return,” she said as she faded away vanished.

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