Roshni Bhaduri

Drama Romance Tragedy


Roshni Bhaduri

Drama Romance Tragedy



8 mins

I was thrilled to go to my tuition class which was at one of my favorite teacher's house. She was the best teacher one could ever dream of having. No, she was not at all easy but the way one thinks as your own children... That was all i could think about. She always made me sit next to her. I dared not take a peek outside the book while she was teaching or else my right thigh would be coloured red. But i still loved her even for that cause she made me who I am today. 

The age when you are sweet 16 to 18,its just heavenly. All those feelings and futterflies one gets, it's hard to explain with boys and girls having those conversation with giggling sound they make. Secretly making eye contacts and then one thing leads to another. Well, nothing to be ashamed of after all it's the age. One cannot blame themselves. 

Everyday I used to wake up in the morning to go to school. I loved my school or rather the times spent with my friends is the real reason going to school. The boys making you feel like a queen or like a new toy( hard to tell). But everyone has that one special guy. But why? Why one? How do you know that he/she is the one? Never quite understood that. 

It's was 4 pm, I used to be all dressed up to go to my tuition class. He used to always come at least five minutes before me. We lived in the same locality. He was an average kind of guy whereas I was kind of....(not to brag).There were many other guys trying to woo me but no, my eyes we're fixated on him. He was funny and always made me laugh. As if whatever he did his eyes would always follow me. Was I happy? Was I sad? He was a straight A student whereas I was an average. He helped me with my notes and everything and never asked anything in return. All he wanted was me that I could tell. Whatever he did I could feel it was for me. Why was my approval so important to him? Finally the day arrived where he took the courage to ask me to be his girlfriend. But i didn't say yes or a no. Why? Well, I thought it would be fun to make him wait a bit longer. But everything changed the day after he proposed me. I don't know what gave him the idea that I would say no so he told me that it was a joke and he wanted to see what I would say. I was very still and quite. His expression was giving everything away. After that day, I was very angry and upset with him and I made sure he knew that. I kept ignoring him for a good six months. In between I got good grades cause my anger brought out the best in me. I used to talk to everyone in my class except him and everyone in school knew he had a huge crush on me. 

It was a winter evening when I was headed on my way to the tuition class. The chilled air made everything seem so quite. That evening only him and me was there for the tuition class, the rest of the people didn't show up. Our maam, was not feeling well that day so she assigned us with essay writing and then went to take some rest and said that before she is back we would finish it. I was an excellent story teller and quite a winner in essay writing. Our board exams were approaching so she wanted both of us to write some good essay. I was more than happy cause I loved writing. So it was just us. He used to sit straight across me. He looked at me but I ignored him and started with my essay when suddenly I felt a cold shiver run down my spine as if someone has touched my soul. He was touching my hand and I was completely shocked. After a few seconds, I instantly removed my hands from his touch. For the first time I saw tears in his eyes. His teary eyes were screeching my hollow soul. I felt sorry but at the same time I was speechless. He told me how sorry he was and he did truly love me but his friends made a joke that I was out of his league so he made it sound like he was joking. Just as I was about to say.... Our maam had arrived and we couldn't finish were we left. 

Winter holidays began, fifteen day we wouldn't see each other and then when the school resumed another shock was awaiting me. I saw him with another girl from our class. His mood swings were giving me a whiplash. I was getting all kinds of mixed feelings. Was it anger? Was it shock? Was I crazy? Was he mad? What was it...? It was too much for me. A girl like me was habituated in getting several proposal a day yet I never had a boyfriend. I always wanted to be a one man's woman. He looked straight into my eyes and I could feel that he felt ashamed. I was disgusted at him. The thought of him made me wanted to puke. All the thoughts before the winter vacation came reeling into me. I thought we had a moment but alas! 

Finally the board exams were over. Me and my friends were happy that now we will go to college and have fun. We were listings the college names we wanted to get admitted to. After our results were out, we finally got into our preferred college. My first day in my college and guess who I bumped into? Right! Him. He started to get on my nerves. I couldn't stand the sight of him anymore. I cursed him inside my head... Of course. But this time I was ready to show him who was the real player. As usual guys around me was awestruck. I was like the new doll. Every now and then guys wanted to be with me. I made some pretty good friends. One day I got an off period so I was hanging in the college canteen alone that's when he came and started a conversation with me. I made it seem like everything was normal. He enquired whether I was seeing anyone else? I smiled back and said nothing. He then explained what had happened in school and how he got into a false relationship with that girl(of course blame it on others). I was absolutely cool and keeping it to myself. He reached for my hands but I was swift this time and folded my arms. He said that he would never ever do that kind of mistake again. I don't know what gave him the idea that I was waiting for him. In between I was actually seeing someone not from my college but a guy who was a common friend. 

Soon I was texting this guy and one thing lead to another and I was deeply in love with this guy. That's when it happened... He saw me with someone else hand in hand and as if the universe fell apart for him. Few days passed and i found myself in the college library searching for books for my notes when he happened to stalk me behind the shelves. I sat myself with a book or two writing my notes in my diary. He sat beside me and then he asked" Why are you with someone else? How could you betray me?"

I was not surprised by now. I knew this had been coming so I got up and walked out without a word to him. After my classes were over I was heading back home when he again chased after me. That day I spoke. I said everything I was holding inside me. How he acted from school till now. He was in dire silence. He looked at me and said... " I am truly sorry for what I did but you will never be able to forget me because I am your true love. I have loved you the moment my eyes met you and it will always be you. Even in death my heart will say your name." I nodded my head on hearing this nonsense...I smirked at him and bid him goodbye. 

Years passed from a teenager to a woman but I can never forget him. He was right, I will never be able to forget him. Love or not... I don't know but somethings never leaves us. These feelings don't just go away, they stay inside your head as if it's their home. People say "Time heals everything"... what they don't want you to know is that with time some things take a stronger hold on you. Like a shadow lurking in the dark waiting to grab you and take you to the depths of the hell. Well ! Heaven or Hell doesn't take your mind and soul with you where these thoughts and feelings are deep imprinted. 

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