B Kusuma

Fantasy Inspirational


B Kusuma

Fantasy Inspirational

Hostel life

Hostel life

2 mins

 I don't know how to start this 

No words express the feelings of hostel life, it gives mixed emotions which can't be defined

 My hostel life story is truly amazing and mesmerizing, 

 I don't remember the day I came to the hostel, but it's fabulous to have great memories

 Before coming to hostel iam just a girl who is innocent and believes everyone, only me and my family, I don't know remaining relationships, coming to hostel my life changed totally, like receiving friends love is truly amazing caring, sharing, fighting, misunderstanding, many arguments and true emotions, I just surrender with their love, if we want to see real emotions then you want to face hostel life truly, people love me soo much they are very possessive and they won't make me to talk with anyone, they cry for me, they shout for me, they always been the best, they feed me with their own hands, they cry, when I am pain, they care me like a baby , the days going on I realized what's the life is, how to mingle with the people, how to talk, how to smile, how to compromise, and how to understand, and loving yourself is the best way to know yourself much, people act as if they are loving you but real fact is everyone want you for a purpose, I realized and started loving my self and i knew that no one stay with you long time every body leave you one fine day, but memories with friends is unforgettable thing in the world, hostel life make you feel all the emotions, keeping things, safe, value of money, sharing, 

Value of mother food, siblings bond, 12:00am gossip s, washroom fighting, scolding from warden, washing clothes, snaks, sunday biryani, group study, chit chat s with friends, jokes, all are funny moments which never come back, finally we are going to miss all these things, nothing is permanent in the world, you yourself should stand alone in this earth, keep those memories with you life long, move on for your goal, until we experience we don't have to say anything and enjoy every moment in your life because death is unexpected... 

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