How Rome Was Built

How Rome Was Built

2 mins

They say, 'Rome was not built in a day', but do you know the story of how Rome was built? There is a very interesting myth about it.

The story goes that Numitor was the king of the place called Alba Longa. He had a son Amulius and a daughter, Rhea Silvia. Amulius seized power by imprisoning his father and sister. However, she had married Mars, the god of war, and was expecting her first child.

When she gave birth to twin boys, she knew that they would also be killed by an uncle, so to keep them safe, she placed them in a basket and floated the basket in the River Tiber.

The basket floated for a while and then came to the bank. There the children were found by a female wolf who nourished them with milk. Later they were found by a shepherd who took them and brought them up.

They grew up into strong boys who were natural leaders. They were named Romulus and Remus. When their identity was revealed to them, they fought and killed Amulius and put Numitor back on the throne. Rather than wait to inherit the kingdom, they decided to set up their own kingdom.

Now both of them began fighting about where to set up a kingdom , so they decided to look for a sign from the gods to determine where the kingdom would be set up. Romulus said that he had seen vultures hovering over the place he had decided upon while Remus said that he had seen seven vultures flying the place he had decided upon. Both of them began the fight, Remus was killed and so Romulus founded the city of Rome

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