Rushika Shirish

Drama Romance Others


Rushika Shirish

Drama Romance Others

Hyunjae/Eric FF (TBZ)

Hyunjae/Eric FF (TBZ)

7 mins

"We can bring groceries too, we can help you, two cooks," I suggested from behind as Y/N was on her phone. "No no Hyujae you guys are our guests me and my sister can manage," she replied with a smile. I shrugged and walked towards Hwall who was trying new moves. "Yah Hyunjoon!" I said walking towards him and he stopped. "My brother!" he exclaimed and I rolled my eyes playfully. "What do you think? Should we help Y/N and her sister with their dinner preparations?" I asked. "Yeah we can do that but I am sure she said a no when you asked her?" he asked and I nodded. He struck a thoughtful pose, "Then let's not tell her and inform the other members." he suggested, I nodded considering his idea. "What should you tell the members?" Eric came asking. I filled him in with the plan, "But Sunwoo suggested that we all leave together." he reminded us. I face-palmed myself. "Don't worry hyung we'll figure it out we still have a day left." the younger reassured me. 

Y/N's POV-

I hung up the phone and sighed. I went back into the practice room and sat in a corner sorting out the schedules. I lifted my eyes and saw the 12 members dancing energetically. I have been watching them dance with the same energy since past two hours. I decided to call for food delivery assuming they'd be hungry by now.

"Guys! Take a broken food is here!" I yelled over the music and held the food packages up to show them. They stopped and gathered around me. I instructed them to sit and passed them their towel and water bottle. I opened the food packets in the middle and all the hovered over the food. "Hyunjae it's your favorite," Jacob said. I saw Hyunjae's eyes lit up at the sight of the food which me giggle. "What? I am just hungry." he explained to me. "He just loves chicken too much." New teased as Hyunjae rolled his eyes.

~Time-skip to next day dinner time~


Me and Y/N were at the grocery store buying the required stuff. "I don't know why they told me leave before them, we planned to leave together." Y/N said confused shoving cans of juice in the cart. "Do we need all these juices?" I asked, eyes wide and she nodded. "Sunwoo loves drinking juice, that kid can live on juice for his entire life." we both fell in fits of giggle and finished the shopping.

We came back from shopping and it was still time for the boys to come over for dinner. "Are you going to get ready?" I asked Y/N as I set the groceries on their fixed places. "Are you asking me to wear something fancy?" she asked washing the vegetables. "Nah not really." I replied. "I am at home and well I am supposed to be their manager so I guess I am at a higher position than them so I am going to wear something comfortable." I laughed at her remark. We both changed and were waiting for all the 12 boys. 

After around 15 minutes the bell rang. "I'll go!" I said rushing over the door hearing Y/N's chuckle. I opened the door to see a really cute guy standing in front of me with blond hair. He had an adorable smile. "Hey! I am Eric and these are all my members." he introduced. "Hey! I am Y/S/N." I said letting them in. 

Eric's POV-

We bought some grocery for the girls as Hyunjae hyung suggested and reached their place. I rang the bell and a very cute girl opened the door. She wore glasses and looked adorable. I tried to find the words to talk to her and then thought I'd introduce myself to her. "Hey! I am Eric and these are all my members." I said. These are all my members? Obviously she knows that! How can I be that dumb? I thought but played it cool. "Hey! I am Y/S/N." she introduced herself and let us all in. "Noona! We bought groceries!" Hwall yelled and Y/N Noona came out of the kitchen looking puzzled. She and her sister looked at each other confused and laughed. "We already went grocery shopping." Y/S/N said. "Oh, it was Hyunjae hyung's idea." I smirked looking him as he was all flustered. "I told you not to bother yourself Hyunjae!" Y/N protested. 

After awhile we all helped both of them in cooking and sat "I am sorry our house is a little small to fit all you guys in." Y/S/N apologized sitting at the end of the couch on the floor. "It's alright, our dorms are like that too!" I laughed sitting next to her. "So you guys are going for a tour I heard?" she asked taking a bite. "Yes and I hope you can join too." I smile and she grinned nodding. "I don't think Y/N can handle being alone at a new place with you all around." she teased. "Yeah yeah, what would I do without you!" Noona teased back. "It was basically my idea to invite you guys over since I wanted to know you all and now that I do the upcoming trip sounds less awkward and more fun." Y/S/N explained. I couldn't help but smile when she explained. She looked cute and pretty and I just couldn't help staring at her. "Oh and I heard your sister lives there?" she asked me out of the blue and I nodded. "That's cool! You'd get to meet her soon!" she grinned. "Why don't you accompany me? We can go there together." I said losing the ability to control my words. She blinked at me and laughed agreeing.

Y/N's POV-

The dinner was fun and I noticed Eric and Y/S/N getting along well already. Well obviously they were the same age and they look cute together. "I have something I can get back to you when you tease me using Hyunjae's name," I smirked at my own thought. "Why are you smiling like that?" Hyunjae came and sat next to me which made me jump. "Nothing, look at those two!" I said pointing towards my sister and Eric. I and Hyunjae shared a laugh looking at them. "Thanks for inviting us! It was fun," he said smiling which made my heart melt. "You're welcome. To this house at anytime with the members." I grinned and he returned the smile.

Finally, it was time for them to leave. We said our goodbyes as I turned to Y/S/N, "Seems like someone made a best friend." I teased. "What are you talking about?" she smacked my arm playfully. "Tell me what did you guys talk about?" I asked. "Nothing he asked me to visit his sister with him when we go to New York," she replied. "Wow, Eric! That's fast!" I teased again and she stuck out her tongue at me. "You were blushing the whole time too! Let's talk about that." she teased back. "Uh...No I wasn't," I said as I rolled my eyes. "Ahh...See you are blushing now too!" she said poking me. "Let's clean up and go to sleep," I said changing the topic and she laughed shaking her head. "You and Eric look cute." I complimented. "I don't know, he is cute and we have been getting along well." she explained and I nodded, "I could see that." I giggled. "Come on I can tell you Hyunjae has something for you." her words took me by surprise. "I don't think so. He is nice in general." I clarified. "And I can also tell you Eric is interested in you. I saw him smiling to himself looking at you." I teased. "That's because I am funny 'in general' and nothing else," she said air quoting my sentence. 

Laughing and teasing each other we finished cleaning and planned to watch some movies. We ended up falling asleep on the couch. The next morning I got up to my phone ringing. It was Juyeon, "Y/N YOU NEED COME TO STUDIOS RIGHT NOW! WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" his voice was shaking. 

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