Dr Lakshman Jha "Parimal"Author of the Year 2021



Dr Lakshman Jha "Parimal"Author of the Year 2021




2 mins

Friendship is based on certain principles where mutual understanding, helping attitude and cooperation, love and respect, getting together, and maintaining secrecy play a vital role.

We can’t imagine associating with friends without them. Even children observe these qualities among their friends. Now, this type of Friendship may be called PHYSICAL FRIENDSHIP.

It is a strong friendship. We live together, read together, play games, etc in our leisure time. We feel pleasure to spending with them. Sometimes they become impaired by certain problems among friends but we try our nerves to coax them with expressing sorry or paying regret. We never miss them. Sometimes the separation penetrates the hearts. We can’t hide the tears. In spite of it, we never forget them.

A new type of Friendship is formed after the invention of the New Device. It has got the global platform of Facebook Friends, What’s app Friends, Messenger Friends, Group Friends, etc. They are called DIGITAL FRIENDS.

Except for some old friends and acquaintances, maximum friends are associated by accepting their Friend Requests. Even some hide their profile information. They live somewhere and project somewhere else.

We formed a battalion of friends but were not connected with anyone. As it is easy to induct them into the friend list it is also easy to eradicate them from the list, when we find any differences. And even We don’t find anyone who would dare to ask ‘why he is eliminated from the list? This is the real difference between PHYSICAL FRIENDSHIP & DIGITAL FRIENDSHIP.

We can bridge the gap but we must be sincere to maintain transparency in the Profile. Write every information which is being sought in it. We must follow Discipline. Decency and Decorum in writing. When we through the comment, it should be nice. And never post/tag anything to other’s timelines. In this way, we could coax the impaired friends and make the DIVINE WORLD OF FRIENDSHIP.

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