Vatsal Parekh

Horror Crime Thriller


Vatsal Parekh

Horror Crime Thriller

In the Woods

In the Woods

4 mins

The Path Through the Woods


It was an accident… I shouldn't have gone after it. It was a black, ghostly figure outside in the woods and I followed it like a cat following a mouse. I was stupid enough to follow it down a in the woods, and the consequences???.. God only knows. When the path ended there had been a large opening in the middle of the woods, it was a beautiful place but it had dead trees and wilted flowers. It was a sad place, like no one's been there in 10 years. How do I know the exact date? Well let me tell you and take you back 10 years ago from now… 


It was a bright morning in beautiful New Hampshire and the house was noisy with the sound of frying bacon and Jacob complaining that there was nothing good to watch on T.V., like usual he'd say one of two things. One being …

"MOOOM!? Does it always show old-timey stuff on T.V.!?. It's never interesting or funny!!" and two? 

"Oh my gosh why is there never anything good to watch?!" then mom would say…

"Honey … family means more than what is on television." but he kept on complaining till 10 o'clock in the morning till his favorite show came on. Then he was silent. I asked my mother if I could go outside for a bit. She said 

"Why don't you wait a little bit till the temperature drops a little it's too hot out."

She was right… Maybe I'll go outside a little later I thought. And that was what I did. It dropped about 20℉ and it was now 70℉ out so for me it was a bit chilly. I had a vibrant red jacket tied around my waist. Just in case it needed it, so I put it on… I sighed and breathed in the fragrance of the mid-summer air. The luxurious scent of lilacs . I stood there for a minute then let my mind settle on the one thing I actually came out here to do, go into the woods to explore… Of course it was forbidden in my family, but they would never know because 

1. It was out of sight.

2. I didn't have my loudmouth whiney brother with me.

3. I'd never admit to it!

So I skipped into the woods happy as could be… Towards the middle of the woods i came to a halt. My jacket had snagged against a branch of a strong and sturdy tree. As I tried to get untangled that was when I saw it…


  It rushed past me arms flailing behind. At first I thought I saw a chubby, bald guy , dressed in black, with googly eyes stuck to his face with a fake smile plastered across his face. That was when I ran out of that place so fast it could make your head spin a 360°. I ran to the house as fast as my little legs could carry me. When I got home my mother asked "Honey? Why do you look so pale? Did something scare you? I knew right then and there that I would be busted so I made up a lie and said " Nope, I just… Oh yeah I forgot about my homework for school! I'll go do that! Bye!" but mom stopped me before I could slip away and said " Wait a minute when you came home from school you said you didn't have homework sooo…"

"So I messed up that's what!!!"

"EXCUSE ME!? That is not how you talk to me young lady! I will make up a punishment for your misbehavior." she brushed forward snatching the iPhone out of my hand " No electronic devices or television. GOT IT!?" she screeched 

" got it" I replied lamely. Whenever my mom says that she'll make up a punishment for my misbehavior she usually gives my 24 hours before she decides so I got pretty lucky if you ask me. When it was time for bed I scrambled up the stairs, only to find the mess my brother left in the living room luckily I didn't break a bone or something because I tripped over an empty toilet paper roll..

Chapter 3

He had TP'd the ENTIRE UPPER LEVEL OF OUR HOUSE, FROM FLOOR TO CEILING!!! INCLUDING my bedroom UGH!! The toilet paper was strung across cabinet doors and ceiling fans ( don't ask me how it got up there!). The bathroom was a FIASCO! The trash can was gift-wrapped in toilet paper. After about 1 hour the mess was cleaned up and dinner was ready. We had kraft mac 'n' cheese and fish sticks. It was DELISH! Around 10:00 we finally headed to bed it had been a long day…

The next morning was gloomy with a chance of more gray clouds and more gloominess. The rain beat against the tempered glass as we drove through nothingness. My brother babbled like baby in the backseat, bloop blap blop bloo blah , was all I could hear over the radio station blaring about some new music that was coming out tomorrow. Once we got home I, as usual asked mom if I could go outside to play *wink wink* as I went into the sticky, humid woods to explore...

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