smile forever

Horror Tragedy Fantasy


smile forever

Horror Tragedy Fantasy

It felt real!

It felt real!

2 mins

Relaxing on the balcony with my sister. We were talking some stuffs. Suddenly there were chaos all over. Every house is bursting with sounds of chatting. We got to know something is not right. We need to know so we watch on mobile what's going on?Some weird news coming out about some unknown going to capture the earth. It seems to be a joke which do not be taken seriously. This type of news come and go,need not be taken serious. But the news getting louder and louder. It getting darker now in the atmosphere and the mood. Something came out of nowhere,a big round spacecraft. We have seen this many times on television and we're amazed and scared at one time.

Dont know whether the strangers, alienate ones are friends or enemies we don't know. It became dusty around because they were coming down near us. Staring at actually we really unable to understand what's going on. It started to feel uneasy as it coming nearer and nearer. The news we heard seems to come true. Finally it stops at a point mid air close to ground. The flash came and all the figures and images I have of aliens which we learnt from fiction is all over my head. I took a deep breath,control my mind and open my eyes. It was the time to wake up from alienate world to real one. What if it happens out of nowhere?You really need to be prepared,right?

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