Ayesha Ruman

Children Stories


Ayesha Ruman

Children Stories

It Was Him, Her And God

It Was Him, Her And God

1 min

Once there was a person who never believed in God. He used to enjoy his life without any fear and worries. One day he saw a girl who was very pretty and was praying to God. After that day, he used to see her daily praying to God.

One fine day the boy went up to her and said, "God doesn't exist and you have to be happy in life". The girl went away silently. The boy tried to enquire about the girl and one day he got to know that the girl was facing a lot of problems in her life.

The girl used to pray daily and one day the boy joined her to pray to God. Later they both became friends and the boy started sorting the girl's problem by helping her. They both fell in love with each other and the boy started believing in God.

Moral - God is always with you when you do good in life

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